Your inner game can make or break your business

One of the “5-rights” I talk about for quitting your job with confidence is the right mindset.

The reason is simple.

We all have to deal with our inner demons no matter where we are on our journey to free ourselves from our 9-5.

To keep it real, if you are lacking confidence, it will show in your business.

If you have doubts about what you are doing, it will show in your service

If you don’t like what you are doing, it will come up in your customer interactions.

Think about it, nobody is going to invest (buy) in you if you haven’t invested in yourself.

That’s because you are showing a lack of self-worth or confidence.

People who have confidence don’t start business on things they dislike

People with self-worth don’t deal with people they can’t stand.

Are you seeing the connection here?

Another point to think about is that you will attract the type of person you are on the inside.

The people you attract are a direct reflection of who you are

so, if you don’t show up every day (meaning giving your best effort and always being prepared), the people in your life wont either.

if you are not coachable, your clients won’t be coachable.

if you are wishy-washy about stuff, the customers you bring to your Ecom store will also be wishy-washy and not buy.

Subconsciously you communicate with energy and vibration.

That energy and vibration will attract people and circumstance with similar energy and vibration

Oh, you didn’t know that your current circumstances are because of the choices you have made in your past?

Are you shocked by this??

Yes, even the thing that you were a complete victim of happened because of some decision you made in the past.

That’s because life doesn’t happen TO you…

it doesn’t happen FOR you either (lol, self-centered much?)

Life happens FROM YOU

All your thought patterns and beliefs affect your actions and that has  a direct effect to who and what is brought into your life…

So, how do you go forward with this new information?

Start to be confident about what you do!

Be passionate about your business!

Have a great vision that excites you!

If your business does none of these things, then you are in the wrong business (yeah, you played yourself)

Now, to bring this home, think about the people you will attract to your business (and life) if you bring the confidence, the passion and joy to the table?

What type of customers or clients will you have when you show that that that conviction, that clarity…?

What type of business will you have then?

Are you starting to see why the right mindset is important when you want to leave your 9-5??

So, how do you get to the point where you are excited confident and joyful about your business (or life)?

There are many ways to do this, but start with these 2 steps.


1) daily gratitude practice

Be grateful you have the skills, the expertise, the chance to impact someone.

Show gratitude for your health, loved ones, your material possessions, and anything else that you take for granted or brings you happiness or comfort.

Practice that gratitude everyday!


2) focus outward on service

find solutions for people, truly try to help, not because it will make you money, but because you care about it

this aint about faking it until you make it…be who you are and tap into that to find an area that you can run with


To help you do this, I have an assignment you can try if you want

Write down all of your achievements.

From school accomplishments, relationships, work success, fitness, personal goals, videogames, child rearing, leadership, role models, being accountable


No win is too small to list

Then read that every morning after going thru your gratitude practice.


These will help remind you of what you achieved and to show you have the ability to achieve more.

Begin this habit now and tell me how you feel in a week about yourself and your abilities.