I know you didn’t ask me, but I’m gonna tell you something anyway.
You have a general idea of what you should be doing to level up.
but you know actually doing “that thing” is not as easy as it sounds when you are not doing it from a place of confidence and strength.
You know when you are falling into this trap when you start to say things like:
“I just need to get a little more money before I do…”
“After the holidays, I’m gonna start doing…”
“I’m still just researching, but I want to get started with this soon…”
The words may sound logical and even confident to the untrained ear…
but I know it comes to a fearful place that causes a person to dabble.
Here’s the bottom line.
This fear will keep you where you are.
That means you will keep your same income level, same struggles, same relationship patterns, same quality of life.
Think about it, how will anything change in a person’s life if that person does the same shit day after day?
So, to put a nice bow on this…
Your “next year” will look the exact same as this year unless you put your big boy/girl pants on and make a move.
Stop playing scared and just try something…ANYTHING!
Send more mail, try a text message campaign, say yes to a deal that scares you, invest more time and money.
Things may not work out as well as you may like, but experience beats a “plan” every day of the week!
then the next time you go at it, it will work even better…and better…and better.
Next thing you know, you have the confidence to make moves.
Now, if you don’t want to do any of those things, then stop telling yourself you have “a plan” because no matter how great that plan may be, you don’t have the balls to do it.