You cant delegate something that you haven’t mastered!

you know what grinds my gears?

People trying to delegate something that they haven’t mastered!

What do I mean?

Well, we all have certain areas in our land investing businesses that we know we struggle with.

For many its sales.

But maybe your due diligence is lacking…or perhaps its your negotiation skills that needs work.

Either way, we all have something we suck at and we wish someone else could do it for us

This is when some of us get the idea to hire someone else!

I mean, we’ve all heard that you start to hire people that will solve pain points in your business.

But what a lot of people get wrong is that a pain point that comes from lots and lots of reps is much different than the pain of struggling thru a part of the business..

So, when this happens, people usually lose money since they are paying for people they cant afford…

oir they hired someone who isnt much better at the job, yet the land investor doesnt know that because they dont have the skills themselves

Which means, they dont know if the person they hired is even doing a good job!

This often leads to the worst of both worlds…you lose money paying for someone who also sucks at the job they are hired to do…and you dont fire them because you dont realize that they suck!

So, what should you do instead?

First off, understand the areas of your business or skillset where you need to get better.

Next, isolate the most troublesome part of that skillset.

So if sales is the area where you need to get better, maybe you identified that you particularly hate the follow up part of sales.

Once you understand that, you can start to tackle the issue at hand with a book, course, help from others who are good, or coaching.

No matter what, a clear picture of what is wrong will lead to a clear picture on how to fix the issue.

-Coach Vic