Im gonna jump right into it…
Your sales are slow for 1 of 2 reasons
- your buyers list sucks
- your ads suck (and your ads create your buyers list)
So, to make sure that you kill 2 birds with 1 stone, lets focus on your ads…
You may have heard that “Content is King!”
No matter what business you are in, if you are doing anything online, you will nee to create content.
Lead magnets
Ad copy
Social media posts
Sounds like a lot of hard work, huh?
But, there’s a little trick that you can use to make it a lil easier.
Use the voice recorder on you phone or laptop, and say the things you want to say
Once you save that file, you can have it transcribed.
Use a service like temi.com or rev.com to take your spoken words and delivered to you into a word document or text file.
You can also use built in tools like siri and google to do the same thing (but not as accurate, and its slower)
You can even use some nice speech to text software on your PC to do this.
The beauty of this is that its much easier to get content out when you just gotta talk it.
Now your ads for that desert square will have a bit more personality to it, which can help it stand out from the crowd of all the other desert squares.
Also, you will get inspired for ad angles at random times, now you can “write your ads” whenever inspiration strikes.
Like when you are driving or doing something else at the same time.
Now, your ads are more than “a hunters paradise, low terms!” nonsense I see all over landwatch and facebook marketplace.
Just make sure you take your new text file and clean up the errors from the transcription and your verbal mistakes.
You may also want to re-arrange your words and ideas now that you have them in text.
Either way, not only can you bang out more content more quickly…
but you can also do it without the anxiety of writers block!
Now that you know one of my secrets…go use it!
-Coach Vic