Its not what you think…
I was watching some videos on youtube the other day, and in my feed came up another PBS video…
So, the video starts out with some of the T-Rex “ancestors” and how those animals evolved through out the millennia and shit like that.
Just like many animals, the species that the T-Rex evolved from had equal length arms and legs (the same way your dog or cat’s arms and legs are the same length)
This “proto” T-Rex had a long head, but it wasn’t very big…maybe 3ft tall.
Anyway, over time this thing evolved to have a bigger head because it had some very powerful jaws.
It also evolved to walk on its hind legs…meaning, it wasn’t using its arms for mobility.
Now, when we humans walk and run, we swing our arms to help us keep our torso upright, generate power and balance.
The thing is, the T-Rex doesn’t need its arms to run, because it has a massive tail that it uses to balance as it runs.
The bigger arms are basically a cumbersome thing it has to carry around…slowing it down and making it harder to catch prey.
So, it evolved to have smaller and smaller arms, until they were pretty much useless.
However, since the arms never went away completely, paleontologist think that the arms may have had some use (but not sure for what yet)
The T-Rex arms had some claws and shit, but again, its hard to use those claws with such tiny arms.
So, what does any of this have to do with anything??
Well, there are some talents, skills and behaviors that we all have that may have served us well in the past.
Sometimes, these things developed to protect us as we are growing up, other times, these things were used to give us some sort of advantage.
However, now that you are evolving, you may find some of the talents, skills and behaviors may be slowing you down since they are no longer helpful!
For example, I used to think that I had to only make money with my fancy-schmancy computer science degree
(why else go thru the trouble of school if I wont use the knowledge to make money??).
I would not even think about other ways to make money, or other things to learn about in general.
That may have worked out early on in my adult life because that kept me focusing on achieving my dream of becoming a video game programmer.
But now-a-days? That belief no longer serves me.
Just like the T-Rex claws, I’m sure the skills I learned in school will be useful in some smaller and less obvious way, but I’m evolving to be more than a software engineer.
It took a while to get out of that mindset…evolving to realize that skills all over the spectrum are needed to get me to my next goals.
What about you?
I know you have some self limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
They dont have to be negative, but maybe you think that the way you and/or your family always does things are the only way to do things?
Closing yourself off from new possibilities and a better life.
What skills, patterns and behaviors do you have that may have
been good at one time, but are now slowing down your development?
In what ways do you need to evolve to achieve your current dreams?
Comment below, and let me know!
-Coach Vic