Have you ever tripped off the fact that all of your beliefs are implanted by someone else?
It’s true.
Think about your beliefs, and I bet you can trace their roots to someone else.
Either people that told you things (like parents, family, friends, and teachers)
Or from experiences with other people (esp as kids and teens)
This is how you know if you can or can’t trust a person based on your interactions with them or if you see a certain behavior.
Now, sometimes these beliefs can be a good thing, but many times, these beliefs don’t help you at all.
Well, in many cases your beliefs are tied to how to see everything.
this in turn control your emotions, esp when it comes to investing in land.
Your emotions will play tricks on you, and make you think your ideas will (or wont) work without proof.
This will be a big reason why a person may hesitate to pull the trigger on an investment or why they procrastinate when its time to do a lil work.
Procrastination may not seem that big of a deal, but in this business, you need momentum.
Getting enough offers out there to find the right people can take some time.
And when you do reach that “right person” they may not get back to you right away…
But, as you do this more and more, all that effort comes back as motivated seller.
IF you listened to your punk ass emotions, you would stop before that momentum came to pass!
This will then feed back in to your belief system that will start a vicious cycle.
Bottom line is that it all takes time to build, so you gotta start now…you dont have time to waste!
Don’t wait until “after the holidays” or some other arbitrary time.
Get going now!