What is TRUE Job Security?

What do you prioritize most?

From my experience, there are a few things people will prioritize most…

I call them the 6 S’.

Now, we have a bit of each one of these within all of us, but we will prioritize one more than the others.

Also, I’m sure there are more category’s, but again, my experience always leads to these 6 S’s.

1) Security/stability (or at least perceived security)
2) Supervision. They find comfort in being told what to do and take the guess work out of life
3) Stimulation: they do anything that gives them excitement. Boredom is worse than death to these folks
4) Shaper: the like to shape their future, build and mold things. Creators of business or art…just “things” in general
5) Subjection: these people have a strong sense of duty and obligation
6) subjugation: these folks like to be in charge and control others or their situation (or have perceived control)

So, why am I bringing this up?

Because, some of these 6 S’s work better with entrepreneurship than others.

It doesn’t matter what S you prioritize most; you CAN become a great entrepreneur.

These same traits can also cause issues within entrepreneurship too.

I will talk about all of these but today I want to talk about those who prioritize security first.

With that said, without the proper mindset training, the people who prioritize Security have the hardest time with entrepreneurship.

Think about it… Security is on the opposite end of the spectrum of entrepreneurship.

I don’t want you to think that these are bad traits, It’s just that they can be a determent early on.

Entrepreneurship itself is risky.

You have no guarantees.

You have no promises either.

You can lose big if you are not careful!

Entrepreneurship the opposite of what we are taught our whole lives…go to school and get a job.

A job is what we were taught is “safe” …especially a government job.

Government jobs and the like are considered safe because they are jobs that never go away.

You also won’t lose them unless there are some dire circumstances.

Its also hard to get fired in these jobs.

But for that security, you lose a lot of freedom and autonomy.

For “regular jobs” (the ones the vast majority of people have) they aren’t as safe as we would like to think tho.

A bad business decision here, a jerk of a boss there,  or a recession and BAM!

You are out of a job and it was out of your control.

I don’t know about you, but if I prioritized security, I would not want it in the hands of someone who was not looking to ensure my security!

If I truly prioritized security, I’m not sure If I could rely on others for MY SECURITY

I would get the skills needed to make sure I was always secure with my income and finances…but that’s me.

I know this because of all of my time spent as a software engineer in the game industry has proven that your job doesn’t care about your situation as much as you would like.


I’ve been laid off more times than I would like to remember…painful memories.

On the bright side, once you’ve become an established entrepreneur, then the security mindset can help a great deal.

Many entrepreneurs don’t have a good retirement plan…they figure they will just work to make more money…but what happens if you can’t work?


A security minded entrepreneur wont make this mistake.

What about those who are so bold that they make reckless decisions with their business (and by extension the lives of their families or employees if they have any)

A security minded entrepreneur wont make this mistake either.

They will prioritize a stable business they can rely on, so their family’s will always be taken care of.

If they have employees, they will be protected from the craziness out there and never be caught unprepared

The bottom line is that if you are security/stability focused, take it upon yourself to do what you can to get the skills you need to all but guarantee you will be secure.

That is true security in my opinion because someone else can’t grant you security!

Later, once you make it as n entrepreneur or business owner, keep that same energy to stay disciplined once you make it to leave a legacy