What is Stronger than your WIll-Power?

The answer prob wont shock you…

Your environment is always stronger than your willpower

Dont believe me?

Let’s say you want to do something new, but the people around you are not supportive of your new goal or vision for yourself.

What do you do?

most people will start to let their doubts and negativity creep into their mind

When they realize whats happening, they start to fight it!

they lash out, and say things like “my family and friends are such haters!” 

Or maybe they will start to admit defeat by saying “I guess they are right, I cant do this…its not realistic”

Well, instead of fighting it, maybe consider changing your environment.

You see this often in sports…a player who doesn’t live up to expectations on a bad team

can have a rebirth on a new team that has a better winning culture


(winning culture is the environment the players and staff promote to keep their players at their best)

Now, if you can’t move, a good question I like to ask is…

“What can I change about my environment to get where I want to be?”

For example, I don’t go to the gym because it takes way too much time

I’d have to drive all the way there, change,  and pay a membership fee I think is over priced.

I would then have to deal with people taking up equipment when I need it and a lot of other things that annoy me.

Dealing with all of That requires a LOT of self-discipline…

Self-discipline i don’t always have.

That’s why on a day where I’m a lil low on energy or “busy” I will surly skip going to the gym

Which ruins  my momentum, and decreases my chances of hitting my goal!

So I realized that if I can just work out from home, I would eliminate those issues.

It’s how i could change my environment to make sure I succeed.

So, I bought some weights and learned how to modify some exercises to use with my limited equipment.

Because of that, I work out 4-5 times a week.

So, what can you do to enhance your environment to make it so it’s impossible to fail?

Your will power is a finite resource that often runs out, so you cant rely on it!

but your environment will foster a routine and habit that will be hard to break.

Think about it…if you come home form a  long day of work, and you know you should work on your business

(or your health, or a project, etc)

But you have that nice new TV with Netflix or hulu waiting for you…

its gonna be hard to avoid plopping on the couch and binge a show!

Or if you are on a diet, and you go to an ice cream a parlor, its gonna be hard to stick to your diet.

You see what I mean?

so, what can you do to make your current environment better for you to get your business off the ground?

What can you change to make learning skills easier and a natural part of your routine?

What can you do to keep yourself focused on your goals instead of focused on things that upset you or stress you out?

One thing you can do, is to get yourself into a habit of doing a lil work everyday

And have someone like me be your accountability partner to help make sure you do your work everyday!

It also helps  to have the steps broken down for you for each day like I so in my 21-day challenge!

It’s the best way to get yourself going and to start actually making money

with a solid foundation in the online business world.

No gimmicks, no false promises, only solid results.

How would your life be different if you had the habit to do those key money-making activities every day?

What would your self-esteem be like if you got to the point where you made $100 a day on your online business?

That’s not a ton of money, but think about how your life would be different with everyday $100 flying into your pocket.

Close your eyes and picture it…
