Im not sure if you know this, but humans can only DO 2-5 high quality activities in a day.
High quality action takes high quality decision making.
And decision fatigue is real…
I struggled with this for a long time, still do on occasion
Stress and overwhelm comes from trying to solve too many puzzles at once.
(it can also come from putting off important decisions, more on this another day)
Anyway, if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, then its time to prioritize.
Once you do that, the work load will decrease since you will focus on whats important.
That will allow yourself to take a break from time to time.
Oh yeah, dont be like the old me…
I used to try to solve all my problems and hit all my goals overnight.
We all know that aint how this stuff works…real goals take time and consistency to accomplish
With that said, you may realize that you aren’t moving at the speed you know you are capable of.
Im not talking about the hyper critical version of yourself who thinks you can do more than whats actually realistic (hence the decision fatigue)
I’m talking about knowing that you have been slacking and not doing what you can to do this land investing thing properly.
If you that’s you, perhaps my land investing live event Im doing in a few weeks will be the thing that you need.
Reply to this post, and let me see how I may be able to help.
-Coach Vic