What really grind my gears is the non-focused people who have no intention to be better.
Those folks who have a new “get rich quick” scheme every month or so…
(But they swear they don’t like or want a get rich quick schemes, lol)
How do I know they want such schemes and “side hustles“?
Because when land investing is their new flavor of the month for them, they say they are all in.
They tell me about how bad their job is, and how they need a change.
They tell me they want time freedom to spend their life as they see fit.
They go on and on about how great real estate can be and how land investing is the best way to get started.
They like the idea of having d-boy money without having to sell drugs or destroy a community.
They go on and on and on.
I reply “wonderful, land investing will def help with all of that, and I know because of personal experience and because I have seen it happen with others too”
So, I explain the amount of time, money, and energy a person needs to invest up front, they get turned off.
As if investing a couple thousand bucks and tripling it in 30-60 days is too slow…
Then a few weeks later, I see them bragging about trying a new flavor of the month.
Here’s the thing, you don’t need to spend many hours a day for years learning this stuff
but you do need dedication to learning and applying what you learn!
When you have the desire, along with at least an 8th grade education, an internet connection and some money to invest….then you truly can have all the things people crave.
But, without the desire to focus, you are never gonna make it.
And when people pretend to have the focus and the commitment, but know that they don’t care enough….
then they are wasting their own time.
So ask yourself, “how bad do I really wanna do this?”
Even if you don’t have the cash on hand to invest in a property, do you have a savings plan to be able to investing a property within the next 90 days?
If the answer lets you know that land investing aint the thing for you, then just leave this group and move on to your next shiny object.
That will be the best advice you get from me since nothing else I say will matter
-Coach Vic