So, what do ancient romans and land investors have in common?
This sounds like the setup of some corny joke, but I promise its not, lol
So, I was on Quora, and a person asked an interesting question.
If you dont know, Quora is a website where people ask questions on any topic, and users all submit answers, vote on the est ones, comment on the answers (and on the other comments)
Anyway, the question that was asked was:
What did ancient Romans do in their free time?
I never really cared about the ancient Romans (but I did study Latin in Highschool)
but it was such a random as question, I got curious.
Anyway, one of the answers provided got me thinking…
Here is the answer:
Most people in Rome worked from dawn to noon. At noon people shut their businesses, left their offices, and went to the nearest taverna to have lunch, which was the main meal of the day. After eating, pretty much everyone, slaves included, went to the public baths. There they didn’t only bathe, but also receive massages, get shaved, play sports, train, and spend quite a lot of time chatting and exchanging news and gossips. Later in the afternoon the citizens would move to the forum, where they got even more news about the events of the empire and of the acts of the Senate, and would in general take part to the political life. After that they would return home.
A highly prized activity in Rome was otium, idleness. In the Romans’ case, though, this idleness was considered a precious time free from other businesses during which to develop one’s body and mind, It was the time to practice sports, to train, to learn, to write, to better themselves. While we may spend our idle time sitting in front of the telly getting our brain sucked into nonsense, the Romans would rather spend this time getting their bodies and minds sharper.
The answer is a bit long for my email, but I found how Romans spent their day fascinating.
And you know why?
Because this is the way I lead my life as a land investor!
My day is over roughly at noon.
I spend my afternoons on my own pursuits and I truly prize my idle time.
Its been a challenge to allow my self to enjoy such down time, but its something that truly makes everything I do worthwhile.
Why am I telling you this?
Because land investing may be profitable, its main draw is the time freedom that it gives me.
Land investing gives me otium.
When was the last time you got to truly enjoy otium?
As in, not worried about anything like bills, work drama, or the BS you hear in the news?
I promise, I’m not an outlier, you too can enjoy otium…but you may need to make some changes first.
Reply “otium” to this post and I’ll show you how you can get some otium in your life,