[warning] Dont take 50 ml of Benadryl!!

Over the last few days, I have had this annoying cough…it came from post nasal drip

Its been keeping me up at night, preventing me from getting the 8 hours I need to be at peak performance!

After the lack of good sleep, I’m all tired, I have a foggy mind, and my motivation is low.

So, my wife says I need to try some allergy medicine to help, but all we had was children’s Benadryl.

Since it’s a very weak dosage, she told me to take more so I get the same amount of medicine as an adult dose.

Since the Benadryl we had was non-drowsy, I deiced to give it a try.

First off children’s Benadryl is disgusting…it was hard to drink that much!

But, the next morning, I felt like absolute shit!

Drowsy, weak, disoriented, and in a bad mood.

So, I didn’t work out, and after writing my email to you guys, taking my kids to school and eating breakfast, I went right back to sleep!

I couldn’t sleep long tho, I had a local networking meeting to attend…


so I had to will my way thru it and the commute.

When I got home, I went back to bed after trying to work a bit.

Now, here’s the thing, while I was awake, I felt terrible!

Physically and mentally.

I also felt tremendous self-doubt, despair, and fear.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt things at such a level before.

I was seriously ready to call it quits!

The stuff I was working on didn’t seem important

The response from the market I was expecting wasn’t there

And I didn’t see anyway to get to where I wanted to go.

I’m glad I realized that this came from my poor physical health


otherwise I may have made a Permanent “solution” for a temporary problem.

So, if you feel you have been down on yourself

Or if you feel this stuff is hopeless and you can’t succeed.

Make sure you are taking care of your physical health!

Getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, and eating nutritious food with minimal junk food is all you need.

Working out is important, but those first 3 things is key!

Because your brain can’t live without your body, and your body was designed to move.

Oh yeah, don’t OD on Benadryl, lol