You ever go to YouTube to get inspired when you are feeling lazy?
Well, I listened to a hype YouTube video of Tony Robbins ranting about “resourcefulness” and shit like that.
I realized how close this hit to home, so I figured I would share…
The quote & big takeaway was this:
“It’s not your lack of resources, it’s your lack of resourcefulness that stops you.” – Tony Robbins
You already know how strongly I stress the mindset it takes to achieve around here, so of course this resonated with me.
So what Tony and I are saying here is that at least 80% of success is psychology!
10% is mechanics.
The final 10% is consistency.
Most people tell themselves bullshit stories about why they’ve failed in the past.
“Not enough time.”
“Poor mentorship/training.”
“Bad economy.”
“Not enough money.”
“I can learn this shit on my own” (they said this 3 years ago and still haven’t made any real money)
And on and on…
Essentially – blaming a lack of resources.
Can you see the pattern here?
It’s the lack of resourcefulness that’s the problem!
Ive seen single mothers with nothing to their name figure out a way to climb out of a desperate financial situation to now be a 6 figure entrepreneur.
(Of course it wasn’t easy, and it didn’t happen overnight, but they did it.)
But Ive seen so many others fail because frankly, they were not creative enough, so they never found the answer.
So, if you can’t tell, the moral of the story is If you’re determined enough, you will find the breakthrough.
If you’re committed enough, you will find the money.
That means if you don’t have what you want – the first step is to stop hypnotizing yourself with these bullshit stories and excuses.
The second step is to actually commit to a goal that excites you.
But what if your psychology is already on point and your bs stories aren’t stopping you, but you are not still succeeding…
Then and only then can you look at the mechanics…the “how-to” fix that.
Fix that, get your high-income skills sharp, and watch the money roll in.
2022 will see a lot of market changes, and those of you with a terrible mindset and bad attitude will get hurt by these changes.
Those of us who work on our skills and mindset everyday will be set to take advantage of the market changes.
What camp do you full under?