“you will never change anything in your life until you change what you do daily”
My life is pretty good, but I have goals I want to hit (and some I must hit)
My current trajectory will get me there eventually, but it’s the slow way to do things.
Now, I’m not a lazy guy, but like any of us, I can procrastinate like a mofo.
So whats a guy to do, because I want to level up and do more, but I cant level up without putting in more time.
That’s when I realized how much time I would waste with procrastination.
Its not a lot at once, but little time wasted here, a lot more wasted there, it would add up to a lot of my free time used up for bullshit.
I used to beat myself up over it, but I learned that procrastination is a natural human tendency.
Looking back, I would say to myself that I needed to be more disciplined, or to simplify my life so theres less things to worry about.
However, I found that trying to be strict on discipline won’t work long term because discipline is a finite “resource” and it runs out eventually.
So instead of fighting procrastination, I use small wins to allow myself to procrastinate
When I get something done, earn a “point” and each point is worth a certain amount of procrastination time
I can cash in those points for a lot of time, or I can use them as I go for small breaks.
I have also learned to think addition not subtraction…
I was told by a wise person “dont think how to remove this bad habit, but think how can I add to my routine so I dont have time for the bad habit”
This was a game changer for me, its why I can find time for things that most people can’t.
Like working out or finding new land deals
To add to that, I realized that I can’t just ignore my fears, doubts and the negative programming.
So, I’ve learned that adding in more positivity and habits is a good way to override that old head trash
That positivity can just be a time to rest, or take a walk, or just get up out of my seat.
Anyway, with these techniques, I can actually find more time in the day to get more done.
But its time to change what I do so I can level up…and sometimes figuring out what needs to change can be tough…
So, what walls are you building to shield you from your ad habits and unproductive things in your life?
What areas in your life do you need to level up?