Have you ever heard the saying “show me your friends and I will show you your future”
Since I’m on vacation, I have a bit of time to sit back and just think…
And I’m starting to see how true that really is.
Not that I ever doubted the saying, but more for the fact that I’m starting to see a difference in people who have success vs those who don’t.
For example, I noticed how worked up some people get over athletes and entertainers…esp. with Simone Biles.
She took herself out of Olympic competition because she wasn’t mentally or physically healthy.
She’s already proven she’s arguably the best in her sport (maybe ever) but when she needs to take care of her body and mind, people go nuts.
You probably head the asinine comments and insults losers have to say about this champion.
Mind you, the people going nuts haven’t won shit before and are not the top of whatever field they are in, but they feel they have the right to tell an Olympian what to do.
Another point is politics.
It doesn’t matter what side of the isle a person is on, it’s so ridiculous how crazy some folks can get…no need to elaborate here, lol
What I will say is, I noticed a lot of the people who complain about what someone else is doing are the same person to complain that “life isnt fair”
I’m not saying they always use this exact phrase, but it comes across in their complaints about their income level, their jobs, what the “other group” has or can do that they can’t do.
As I’m here looking at paradise, enjoying my family and the $15,000 sale I made happen while I was on vacation…
they are bitching and moaning about SOMETHING….theres always something to complain about.
These folks are never happy, and seems like they want to make sure everyone else around them is also unhappy.
It seems these folks love the attention they get from friends, esp. if their friends are just as miserable as they are.
These friends love to piggy back on their bitch fest, while adding their own bullshit to complain about.
These folks are bombarded by bad news, and a lot of which isnt even true, or its taken out of context.
A lot of said bad news DOES NOT EVEN EFFECT the person in question, but its another reason to complain about someone\something else.
It no wonder their outlook never improves.
These days, its hard for me to understand these people, and Ive noticed I started to unfriend them or dissociate myself from them in real life.
My energy and wellbeing are too important for me to allow these people to add drama to my life and the life of my family.
“show me your friends and I will show you your future”
I can’t speak for you, but I want my future to have more tropical vacations with the family and making money while I do it.
That’s why the people I like to associate with feel the same way.
This is the exact reason why I put together my land investing group.
I help people learn the skills and we help each other achieve on the highest level.
There is no bitching or complaining, only problem solving.
We know other people can’t hold us from our goals unless we allow them too.
We also know that one bad apple with spoil the bunch, so I am protective who I allow into the group and who can stay.
If you are looking for this type of support and to get yourself away from the bullshit you may be constantly exposed to, let me know…maybe I can help free your mind too…