This is Why You are Not Successful

It’s simple really…

Most people aren’t successful because they haven’t determined what success means to them.

If you ask the average person what success means, they may say something like

“more money”

“more time freedom”

you know…something vague like that.

It’s never a specific amount, and never for a specific reason other than pay bills or get out of debt.

Since there’s no specificity that means there’s no plan in place.

No milestones to hit, actions to do every day, nobody to hold them accountable.

Even if there’s a plan in place, there’s no vision to see the plan thru.

That usually results in people let others manage their lives for them.

This is usually for the benefit of their bosses, job, company, parents, or anyone else “on the outside”

This lack of planning isn’t just in areas of financial success (let’s face it, when I said success there a chance you thought I meant only financially)

This same attitude goes on to be the same reason why most people don’t plan for their life, their health, family life, career, retirement, hobbies or anything else.

But you do know what people will plan for?

Their vacation, if they take one.

Baby showers

Bachelor/Bachelorette parties

Their weddings

Their TV viewing schedule


These are brief, one time events that in the grand scheme of things are NOT important!

Yes, even your wedding day isn’t that important, whats important is the life you and your spouse will lead after that giant party!

You starting to see the picture?

This is why most people are not successful.

Now, if this hit home for you, it’s not too late.

The fact that you are on this email list is a good step to get you thinking differently, but that’s not enough.

You gotta take 1 thing in your life you want to improve

Your health, some of your debt, your business…something!

Start to break it down by asking yourself these questions.

  1. When do you want the goal completed by?
  2. What steps must you take to make that happen?
  3. What things are you willing to sacrifice to make it happen?
  4. How can you start with a tiny baby step today?

Answer these, and get back to me…I will help you form the rest of the plan.

If you don’t get back to me, well…