This Buds for You

So, someone put me on game to one of the strongest men in the world…Bud Jeffries!

I’ve never met him, but apparently the internet says he is an incredible human being, and one of the strongest men in the world.

The net also says that Bud is a minister, massage therapist, professional performing strongman, motivational speaker, author and business owner.

Pretty impressive!

He does have hella videos and pictures of him showcasing his other-worldly strength from his demonstrations too…so thats cool.

Anyway, this dude Bud Jeffries can rip the New York City phone book in half with his bare hands!!

He can bend steel bars an inch thick.

He even broke a chisel with his firsts.

After a demonstration for students, he asked,

“Any questions?”

Everyone was bombarding him with questions…shit like

“Were your parents strong?”


“Do you lift machines or free weights?”

And of course

“What’s your diet like?”

After 10 minutes answering questions, he said,

“I’m very happy to answer more questions, or I could answer all of your questions in just two words.”

Somebody asked,

“what are the two words?”

He said, “Desire wins.”

He said, “Desire beats genetics.

Desire beats nutrition.

Desire beats equipment.

If you have desire, you can shock the world.”

Right now, you need to ask yourself, how much desire do you have to succeed?

Dont just answer out loud, take a look at what you do to GUARANTEE success.

If you spend more time watching TV or procrastinating than improving your self, your high-income skills or you business, then there is your answer.

But, its not all bad…you can change that now!

Dont worry, I’m here to help you with your desire, because I get how it can be here today and gone tomorrow.