The wrong way to do mailers

You know what I like about being a land investor?

You get the opportunity to get to see what some of your competition is doing.


They send you mailers about land that you probably dont own anymore.

Infact, most mailers I get for land is stuff I havent owned for years (literally)

Most offer letters look the same, so I can easily ignore them.

From time to time I’ll look at them to see what their offer is.

Most times the offer is over inflated, so I know Im either dealing with an amature or someone who is planning to be dishonest with a bait and switch type offer.

(more or bait and switch offers a different day)

Anyway, yesterday, I got a glossy postcard from someone.

I normally hide the names of people I use examples out of, but this time I dont need to hide anything…

Because they didn’t even have the courtesy to put their name on the damn thing!

No personal name, no company name…nothing!

Next, the post card has crowded text…I mean it hurts my eyes to even look at the damn thing let alone try to read it.

So many filler words and long sentences…none added value to the message btw.

With all of those words, you would think they would at least put which property they were referring to.

I cant speak for you, but I know my land by county and town and maybe size…

but this person sent me a card saying that want my property by the street address

(again, no city state or zip)

So I have no idea what property they are talking about.

All I can do is shake my head at this poor lost soul.

This is the result of “I cAn LeArN tHiS oN yOuTuBe!!” mentality.

No clear advice on what to do, no templates to follow, no accountability.

Because of that, this person probably wasted thousands of dollars in mailers that many people wont respond to.

(I could be wrong, maybe others are responding and this person is getting deals, but I doubt it)

Eitehr way, if you are looking to learn how to do this land thing right the first time, it would be a good idea to attend my next master class.

I got even more now stuff to talk about since the last one!

The details of the next class are coming soon, so be ready.

-Coach Vic


Dont forget, my facebook group will get moved.

I already started the migration, so stay tuned for more updates