So, every week, I hold both a mastermind and an accountability call for the members in my land investing group.
Last week, we got deep on a lot of the ways to get new properties quickly (which was absolutely awesome, btw!)
While we are all in different spots in our land investing journey, with different levels of experience, different goals, timelines, and budgets…
The one thing we all agreed upon is that
“The Time Is Now”
Time isn’t infinite.
Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed…and the deal that you could be procrastinating on is def not guaranteed!
So, why put off mailing or getting back to people knowing that?
ESPECIALLY the things you know you SHOULD be doing, but aren’t.
Here’s the thing…so much success is riding on just getting an offer out there and following up with everyone who has ever replied to your offer.
It can be hard to believe, but many deals you get will happen just because you didn’t give up after 1 follow up attempt.
In fact, it may take up to 15 follow up attempts!
But if you are putting off calling that prospect back or sending out your next batch of offers because you thought you have all the time in the world…
…then its not hard to see why your monthly revenue is what it is.
So, don’t make the same mistakes that I did (and still do)
Try to make things perfect before tacking action…even when the “imperfect version” of the action takes 3 minutes.
Remember, “the time is now” so just get it done.
You can make things perfect after you get the offer out there.
-Coach Vic