The speed bumps on the road to success

Imagine a car is driving down the street.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the driver looks happy.

As hes driving through a residential section, he sees a speed bump ahead.

That’s when you notice he does something unexpected… he stops his car,  does a 3-point turn and drives in the opposite direction.

wait a minute!” You cry.

Its not that the speed bump is impassable!

You shake your head in dis belief, but you move on with your life.

Well I haven’t seen that with cars, but I seen it with people.

They let little speed bumps on the road to success stop them!

Successful people understand that they cant speed thru this section of the road because of the bump, so they just slow down, but they keep moving forward until the get over the bump, then pick up speed again.

That speed bump for you can be anything.

Maybe your new side hustle is harder than expected (as if you will be good at a new skill in the first try)

Perhaps a certain outcome didn’t happen as you expected it to, or maybe you lost out on a great deal.

Maybe finding time for study or self improvement is more difficult because you have kids or a demanding day job?

These things happen and are normal!

The question is, what will you do?

Will you be like everyone else and  turn around, or just slow down a bit, but keep moving forward?

Either way, real winners don’t let these things stop them.

They may slow down, but they don’t stop!

Everyone else? They make a 3 point turn, go back to the rat race or an unfulfilling life.

What will you do when you get to a speed bump?

1 thought on “The speed bumps on the road to success”

  1. Pingback: Embrace the Suck! – The Side Hustle Sherpa

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