Can I get real for a second? You see this picture of me?
This was taken back a few years ago, I was on a train commuting to a job that was far from home.
I was commuting about 4 hours every day…that added up to 20 hours per week. (yes, enough for a part time job)
Why am I posting this?
Well, I saw a post in a different land investors group, and it reminded me of how I used to say the same things (and make the same avoidable mistakes)
It was the same time frame of that I took this picture.
I remember when I first started out, I thought I could just do everything on my own
Why wouldn’t I think that way, anytime I needed an answer, it was just a google search away.
Real talk, theres hella information on the web, right?
And its “free” too!
I thought I didn’t have the luxury to pay for stuff, so I would just hustle and grind until I “got it”
But it didn’t take long for me to realize that I had a benchwarmer mentality (I talk about this a lot in my book)
It didn’t take me long to realize that I didn’t need the “nuts and bolts” of how to buy and sell land.
What I’m talking about is the information on what to do when real life isn’t like the theory I learned.
Or the information on how and when I needed to make adjustments because my technique is flawed.
Or how the information on when I try something and it “fails”…and I had no idea why.
What I really needed was “knowledge” about what to do when I felt like giving up.
In other words, I couldn’t google search the real-life information, relationships and experiences I needed.
That could only be learned from others…they had to put me on game.
Since we were kids, we were taught that we are all the same.
That’s why school curriculums are the same everywhere, and those who get bad grades are simply labeled “bad students”
However, I know that’s not true!
In real life, everyone’s learning style, personality, likes\dislikes are different!
In entrepreneurship, every situation is different.
Everyone skills are different
Everyone’s starting point is different.
So, why would generic information be good enough to guide me thru the rough waters of land investing?
Also, nobody succeeds without improving themselves, and that’s hard to do alone
(Especially when you have no time, training or energy to do entrepreneurship the difficult work of self-improvement)
And while it’s true I could learn some skills on my own…
How much time did I lose doing things this way?
How much money did I lose (or miss out on) in the process?
How many painful lessons could I have avoided if I didn’t try to hack this alone back in 2017?
I know people I’ve learned from made those mistakes…I wish I just leveraged them so I didn’t have to experience them!
What I also hate thinking about is what did I lose to gain these “free” skills way back then?
The question I wished I asked myself before was not if I could do this for free…
Its if doing it for “free” truly meant free?
So, if you are reading this, and you are ready to shortcut your learning curve and leverage my mistakes…
If you are ready to take your financial life back and grow your money…
You are in the right group.
Let’s get it!