So, the rainforest destroyed my phone.
If you don’t know, I’m here in Puerto Rico on a long vacation.
While we were here, we went to visit the world famous “El Yunque”
It’s the only US national park that’s a rain forest.
And who woulda thought that it would actually rain in the rain forest??
Well, it did, and it rained hard!
So, to capture the moment or the sudden downpour, I grab my trusty phone.
Now, my phone is no ordinary phone!
I have a Google Pixel XL 4…not only does it have some impressive specs, its also water resistant!
Or so I thought.
A day later, while I’m using my phone at the pool, the screen goes black.
I thought it over heated or something, but even after cooling it down, it would not come back to life.
I took it to a repair shop, and he said in Spanish “your phone has water damage, its probably dead”
I instantly said to the repairman “but but but, I was told this phone was water resistant! Ive had this phone in water before”
The before my wife could translate what I said, he quickly and flatly says “they lied…they all lie”
then in Spanish, he went and said water will find a way to get in thru speaker holes, charging ports, etc.
I was pissed!
I felt lied too…
I felt betrayed!
I also felt singled out somehow.
My wife has the same phone and was under the same conditions, but her phone didn’t die!
I haven’t felt so betrayed and bamboozled since the one time I took a course on internet marketing.
I was sold the world
“make hella money!
“it’s all passive! You only work an hour or so per day!”
“You will get coaching and help!”
That last one was what hooked me.
And Guess what?
They lied!
I didn’t get any of the help or support I needed.
They gave me some videos and left me to my own devices and a facebook group that the “gooroo” didn’t even manage or participate in!
It was a recipe for failure.
That feeling of frustration, being duped and feeling like an idiot is unforgettable.
Not only am I out of a lot of money paying for this “course and coaching” but I’m not making any money, I feel lost, frustrated and alone.
This why I do things differently with my land investing all-stars group.
I don’t leave my people stranded to figure shit out on their own.
I don’t promise the moon only to have my promises fall short.
I don’t teach things I don’t do personally for big or small deals.
I’m in the trenches every day buying and selling land and learning lessons that I tell all of my people ASAP.
I just can’t operate like most of these course creators, and I’m OK with that
Thats probably because my main business is land investing, not teaching it.
But, I will tell you this, once you become one of my land investing all-stars, you get all of me.
You want my secret sauce? NO problem.
You want to see how to get my negation secrets Ive honed from over 5 years of doing this business? Great, they are yours.
You want to learn how to sell property fast so you dont have to hold on to land for months at a time? Great, here ya go!
You want to avoid costly mistakes I made so you can sleep easy every night? Done!
Do you need someone to push you and hold you accountable? Say less.
You won’t ever feel alone (in fact, you may get tired of my voice) because I’m always in your ear, pushing you forward, and not letting your fears, doubts or uncertainty stop you from leveling up.
I don’t keep you isolated from others learning the skills, because I know that the group will always be smarter than an individual.
If this is something that sounds good to you, they you will want to stay tuned.
I am opening up more space in my land investing all stars group.
If you want to chat with me for 5-10 minutes to get more details about what I do and where I can learn to see if you are even qualified to join us, comment pay dirt in the comments.
We will figure out a time for a brief zoom call.
Until then, Ill be here remembering what life was like before I was glued to a phone.
Talk soon