I just heard a question that really made me think.
I’m going thru the book ***“The Power of Moments”***
This book is about how the most memorable events and experiences in our lives are usually boiled down to a single moment.
the book also goes on to explain why and how to use that principle in your daily life.
(it’s a great book btw, I’m learning a ton from it)
While there’s a lot of things I can talk about from what I learned so far, one thing that stuck out to me was a single question when talking about *Spanx*.
I’ll tell you what that question is and how it’s changing my life soon, but first, let me ask you, do you know what “*Spanx*” is?
If you don’t know its an American intimate apparel company with pants and leggings, founded in Atlanta, Georgia founded by Sara Blakely.
Here’s what most people don’t know, Sara got her start in the professional world as a door-to-door sales person in the fax industry. (*yes, selling fax machines*)
When she first started, she faced *constant and sometimes severe rejection*.
People were rude or ignored her altogether.
Some ripped up her business card right in her face!
A few times, she was escorted by police or security out of office buildings.
But she persevered….and some years later, she eventually became a top salesperson in her company.
When she came up with the idea of Spanx, nobody wanted to invest in her idea because all the investors she met with were men…and men “*just didn’t get it*”
She was back to getting rejected constantly, this time for years.
But one day, a one of the investors and his daughter was talking about the Spanx pitch over dinner.
After he explained the concept his daughter, she immediately said “*Dad, you need to get her on the phone, NOW*”
Once that happened, the rest is history.
Here’s what stuck out to me:
***Even as a top sales person, she still faced a lot of rejection.***
While most people would face this rejection for a few weeks and then quit, she realized that the rejection didn’t actually hurt her.
In fact, it made her stronger!
When it was time to pitch Spanx to investors, she was back to constant rejection.
This time, she was already used to it, so it didn’t stop her at all.
Because she persevered, she eventually found an investor that kickstarted her mega success.
But, you may be asking “*how did she even get the courage to continue to sell fax machines in those dark and early days?*”
Well, at home her dad used to ask this question to her and her siblings at the dinner table:
**“What did you fail at this week?”**
This question is the question that showed her that failure isnt some sort of “end state” or conclusion.
It’s a chance to learn.
Because her father helped form her relationship with failure, she learned that **in order to grow and to accomplish anything, you have to stretch past your comfort zone.**
Her father understood that a lack of failure in his kids lives means a lack of stretching themselves to improve and a lack of learning new things\experiences.
*When I ask myself this question, I see that I’m not failing enough in my daily life!*
This is important to understand in the land investing business too
The truth is, most people will reject a low-ball offer, but if a land investor gives up too soon, they will never get the deals that are waiting for them.
Hell, I just got rejected *3 times this morning!*
In that past, I would allow that fact to ruin my whole day, but now I know better.
So, as I get more offers out, I no longer let a few people saying “*No*” stop me from continuing or even how I feel.
I just get even more offers out there!
I take the feedback and make adjustments if necessary…this is how I was able to buy 10 lots at once last week.
I keep going forward and I learn on the way.
If you have been sitting on the fence on getting started, then I invite you to get some offers out there.
Right now.
Its time to “fail” a little bit today