The Gap People Aren’t Talking About

That’s the gap between the rich and everyone else (not just the poor)
Now, we all know about the income gap, but that’s only part of the story.
Ya see, its easy to get people worked up about the “evil rich bastards” that are that cause of our problems.
The reasons why the media do that is to keep you easy to manipulate so they can sell you more instant gratification products
That’s something I talk about in my book Get Off the Bench, so get your copy to get more details on that.
Anyway, where were we?
Oh yeah, there’s a gap between the poor and rich.
But here’s the part that those people who are trying to manipulate you don’t say
While The poor didn’t do anything to create the problem,
they also didn’t do anything to prepare for or fix the problem!
the REAL gap is the effort and financial education gap
and no, I dont mean college education either
Harsh, huh?
Go ahead and ask yourself “what have I actually done to fix my income problem?
That’s why people don’t talk about this… it’s a message that people don’t want to hear.
Because its painful!
It’s the antiseptic on a fresh would!
but once people hear it, they can begin to heal once they get over the shock (just like with antiseptic)
with this harsh feedback, people will know they have a choice in how to go forward.
With that choice, comes education, which can help people make better choices and prepare for whats to come.
Now that you know, you also have 2 choices.
You can continue to bury your head in the sand
Say you are doing something with your “business
Pretend you have all the time in the world to make something happen
create vision boards and but do no actual work to make money
And be vulnerable to the rescission that’s coming
Or you can start to prepare now while things are good.
Its your choice.