The Broke Mindset

Have you ever been around a person, and their negativity and stinkin thinkin’ attitude turned you off so much that it made you feel depressed or negative?

Even if their negativity wasn’t directed at you?

Or maybe their inability to think problems thru was so bad, that it pissed you off?

Oh! Maybe it was a person who somehow finds permanent problems for temporary solutions?

An example of this having a baby with a terrible boyfriend or girlfriend to fix their relationship issues.

If you know a person like this, then congratulations, you know someone with a broke persons mindset.

Now, don’t get it twisted, I’m not necessarily talking about someone who doesn’t have money, or someone who is economically poor.

The lack of money might sometimes be a symptom, but that’s not what I mean.

Plenty of people who don’t have a broke mindset also don’t have money at the moment.

That can be part of being in a poor family. However, if that person is working toward securing their future, then they wont be poor for very long.

Catch up with this person later on down the line and they will be doing better than when you last seen them.

I’m sure you know at least a few people who have a broke mindset tho.

This is important to recognize, because you need to avoid these fools at all costs.

These people will drag you down with them to the pits of despair and empty pockets!

These are the same people that probably told you that you cant do whatever side hustle you got into.

Or that your dreams are unrealistic.

They are the ones who bring drama into your life…drama that’s easily avoided for most people.

Honestly, its like a zombie curse!

They were bitten by some other broke person, (zombie), and now they are looking to spread the curse and bite others to make more broke people.

Hell, they are after your brains! Your delicious brains that will help propel you in life.

The same brains that will help you get free from the rat race and create generational wealth. They want to make sure you don’t get that so you don’t leave them behind.

They don’t want your positive mindset to flourish because it makes their broke mindset that much more noticeable…it makes the broke person feel angry and want to lash out!

Here are the warning signs of a broke mindset.

Broke people never see opportunity, just obstacles.

Broke people don’t have any commitment, just a fear of commitment.

Broke people like to blame others for their own problems.

Broke people don’t have drive and work ethic, just a bunch of excuses.

Broke people have invalid opinions and try to pass them off as fact…especially when it comes to money or success.

Broke people say they don’t have time to read, study to improve in their profession (or study for a new one) or have time to get in shape, but I guarantee you they can tell you the latest celebrity gossip, and the drama from reality TV shows.

Broke people claim to not have money, but they somehow find ways to go out, to drink, smoke, or go shopping.

If you see yourself in any of these traits, you better be careful. You have been bitten by some other broke zombie, and the disease is spreading within you!

But fear not! There is an antidote! You have to make the antidote yourself, like an ancient shaman.

Gather these ingredients:

  1. Reading daily (watch less TV and use that time to read)
  2. Adopting positive mindset with daily affirmations. (tell yourself how great and hard working you are)
  3. Getting cant out of your vocabulary
  4. Setting goals and working each day to accomplish them. (the goal can be just work on your business each day, even if its only for 15 mins.)
  5. Do some sort psychical exercise (it doesn’t have to be much)
  6. The final and most important one, is get away from broke people!!!! They will just re-infect you. They will derail your progress.

With these ingredients, mix them together and take them daily! Doing this will get rid of any broke mindset, and you will be well on your way to living the life you deserve.

One of abundance and happiness.