The BEST Investment you can make

Hello My Friends!

I’ve been helping many people for a while now.

You know me, I love to motivate and inspire people to be their best.

Sometimes I need to get them out of their comfort zones to grow, but eventually people start to get it.

That’s when I start to get the question “Whats the best investment?

The first thing I tell them, without hesitation is:



Yes, invest in yourself!

Most times people just smile and nod.

They don’t really get what I’m trying to tell them.

They THINK there is some super secret investment, or side hustle that will make them tons of money with very little effort.

The thinking is “If I can get in on what you are doing, I too can be successful”

I totally understand where they are coming from, but they have it all wrong.

As I said before, it doesn’t matter what you do for a side hustle, it all can work.

So, if just about any side hustle will work with enough dedication and commitment, then why do some people have success and others don’t?

That’s because their mindset is ALL WRONG!

Here are 2 phrases that  you must to commit to memory:

  1. Money follows mastery
  2. There is no skill set without mindset

As an ex-athlete, I met so many guys who had the body and abilities of NBA players.

However, they did not have the right mindset to make the jump to get to  the NBA.

It wasn’t about their work ethic (but sometimes that was part of it) but it was their self limiting beliefs about themselves and the world that held them back.

Maybe that’s why their work ethic was poor, self fulfilling prophecy

Sometimes these beliefs were things they were conscious of. Sometimes these were deeply ingrained beliefs that held them back.

Its what I like to call “stinkin’ thinkin'”

Beliefs like:

I don’t deserve success

I don’t know how to be successful

Things like this don’t happen to people like me

I am not worthy of being loved

I am not smart enough

I will screw this up somehow


As you can see, the list can be so long!

With these beliefs, is there any wonder why these guys could not make the jump to being a real pro?

If I were to tell you that most of these guys ended up not doing much with their lives, would you be shocked?

But don’t laugh, you probably have some of these beliefs too!

The same thing that held these guys back from achieving greatness in athletics, will be the same things that hold YOU back from realizing your true potential and freeing yourself financially.

No matter what skills I introduce to you or teach you, with stinkin’ thinkin’ your success will be limited because YOU will be limited.

In my opinion, that’s a shame, because each one of us have unlimited power and abilities.

Without the correct mindset, you would only believe the garbage we learned from a toxic society.

There are plenty of books and audio programs that can help you reach your full potential.