The 4 steps I use to fight off procrastination and to build momentum

Have you ever experienced they joy and excitement of being struck by divine inspiration?

Maybe this came an innovative idea that came to you to fix a problem?

Or perhaps you were woken up in the middle of the night with that inspiration out of the blue?

Personally, I get my best ideas in the shower…

Anyway, you think about all the cool problems this will solve, or all the money this idea will bring in

And then your mind wanders to how everyone will thank you for bringing this idea to life and how great you are, lol

So, you start to get to work on implementing the idea

But thats when you realize that you got a lot to do to make this idea happen!

It seemed so simple in your head, but now…


That’s when the excuses come in, right?

“Oh, I’m kinda busy, I’ll have to get started on this a lil later after I figure some things out”


“hmmm, this idea doesn’t seem as good as I thought, maybe I shouldn’t even bother”

Or my personal favorite

“That idea is okay, but I just got a NEW idea! One that’s easier! I’ll start my own theme park, with black jack and hookers…”

Here’s the thing tho

Your idea is probably a good one…

Because as I said in the opening, the idea was divine inspiration.

What I mean is that ideas are everywhere, all around us.

When you tap into subconscious and the collective consciousness, you have access to this pool of ideas, inspiration and information.

But, since this is a “collective consciousness”, that means everyone else has access to the same ideas and inspiration!

Including YOUR idea!

Side note, this is why you probably had an experience that you had an idea, but later on in life, you saw a commercial for YOUR idea!

Yeah, that means someone else had the same idea, but actually made moves and brought it to life.

Anyway, to fight this fear (which shows itself as procrastination most often)

This is what I do, so you should try it too:

1) Turn off your phone!
During this stage, you will seek any distraction that will keep you from doing any meaningful work.

The dopamine that you feel when you gave birth to the idea feels good!

But the initial bit of work to bring the idea to life can ruin your high.

This is why the distractions feel better than doing the work…you are fighting to keep your high (you damn junkie!)

When your phone is off, you remove the temptation to check it every 3 seconds (which stops you from getting work done or building momentum)

The phone may not be your cause of distraction, but whatever it is, remove it completely.

2) Start getting to work right away by getting a pen a paper (or maybe sue a white board if you have it), and start to flesh out the idea

Don’t use your computer to do this, we have a neurological link between our hand and our brain that makes writing things down “better” than typing it

I describe this in detail in my book “Get Off the Bench” check that out if you wanna know more

Now, you will be able to ingrain your idea into your mind, fix potential problems, and flesh out vague generalities with specific action steps.

3) After fleshing out the idea, break it down into little steps, then block off time in your calendar to do said steps

Preferably, these time blocks should be once a day (at least) so you get in a nice rhythm and routine to get shit done.

Then do the things you put in your calendar!!!

Make sure you let the world know that you are not to be disturbed during these special work times.

4) Finally, celebrate each victory!

You are a dope fiend…a junkie for dopamine!

So help yourself get high off your own supply by celebrating the small wins.

So everyday you get something done, celebrate!

Every time you reach a real milestone, celebrate more!

Do what it takes to keep yourself excited, motivated and on track.

Even if you don’t feel motivated on a certain day, these small celebrations will keep you going.

Do this enough, and you will see that you built a habit!

When that happens, you find its no longer tough to get started working on your idea at the designated time…

In fact, you find it’s hard NOT to work on your idea.

With that said, you should have enough info to fight the fear and move toward your goal anyway

Next thing you know, you are living the vision you had when you were first struck by divine inspiration.

Need more details on how to do these things, let me know, by replying to this post