That Dark Tunnel of Frustration

Anyone who has taken a training course or program has been there before.
You are going thru the training and things are going…fine, I guess
But, As you are watching the videos, you realize that some of the shit you gotta do isn’t as easy as you thought they’d be.
Maybe there’s some new technology/website/app you need to get used to
Maybe you are asked to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out in front of your market/audience.
Either way, you decide to go to the Facebook group that came with the training you invested in.
You are hoping to get some help and support
Suddenly, sticking out like a sore thumb…
You see a post that makes your heart sink.
A person who started going thru the training around the same time you did
(or maybe they started after you)
is BRAGGING about a big win! 😡
You think to yourself
Wait, what? How did they get passed module 2?
Why aren’t they struggling like I am??
Your mind then goes to excuses
Well, they obviously had outside help
They probably had some prior experience with this stuff, I’m starting from scratch!”
You hate to admit it, but …
Their Facebook post almost feels like a personal attack on you and your ability to succeed!
Logically, you know that their post had nothing to do with you or anyone else
Yet, you still feel diminished a bit…your ego feels bruised. 🤕
You think to yourself “Why them…and why not me?
The best way to describe this feeling is like you feel like you are in a dark tunnel of frustration…
Feeling alone, isolated, and don’t know where to go for help.
It seems that there’s no light at the end of the tunnel!
But you can see the light behind you from the entrance
Meaning the thought of quitting may first cross your mind.
Not quitting outright, but you start to lie to yourself and say shit like
I’m too busy to figure this out, I’ll get to it later
Or Maybe you think
This training isn’t that good, its confusing!
Or even
Maybe I’m not cut out for this
Man, I remember feeling like this.
If you didn’t have such thoughts, then perhaps you thought I could just “power thru it”
You know what I mean…
You try to double down on your ineffective training methods,
Yet wondering why you aren’t making any headway.
Either way, this begins the victim mindset that starts to erode at the confidence and work ethic needed to succeed.
As you can tell, I’ve been thru this before (a few times, dont judge me! 🙃)
And the only way to get out of this is with someone guiding you thru this dark tunnel of frustration.
You know, a person who can show you where to go, what to avoid in the darkness and to keep your spirits up.
While you may think the newbies in that Facebook group can help
(they can’t, how can they, they are just as confused as you are! 🤡)
You will quickly see that you need someone who’s been there and done that.
This is exactly how I got passed those challenges and got to be where I am today.
We all need a solid and reliable plan of action,
someone who can hold you accountable to that plan,
And make sure you get thru to the other side of this miserable place…
Even if you can’t personally see the exit, having someone else push you goes a long way!
Since I know this pain too well, allow me to help a bit.
I have a guide that can help you with this part of your journey…
Hit me up and see what I mean…
Or you can do nothing and continue to languish in frustration!