Take control!

Another cruise story…this one a short one.

I talked about going on a cruise for a bachelor party (long story short, I dont recommend it)

Anyway, when we were partying on the 2nd night, we ran into a group of girls from San Diego.

They were great dance partners and fun to be around.

What helped both sides feel comfortable was that we met them earlier on the day, instead of at night where things happen much “faster”

Ya know, its funny how some people can come alive at night…

…because one of the women in that group was very quiet in the day, but at night, she was a totally different person.

(That goes to show you never judge a book by its cover!)

Anyway, our group wanted to hang out with that fun group after the club hours ended, and they…*ahem* expressed some interest in hanging out with some of us!

If ya know what i mean…. *raises both eyebrows*

So, one of my friends told them to meet us in our room where we can continue to party.
Big mistake!
This move did not put us in control of the situation…thats a problem!
In dating as well as in sales, no matter how hot a lead may be, you cant expect them to do all the work!
Leads need to be encouraged and assured they are making the best decision for them…
…if left to their own devices, FUD  (fear uncertainty and doubt) will get in the way.
All that does is lead to severe cases of FOMO! (fear of missing out)
The smart move would have been to go to them, so we can dictate the agenda.

Its the same when you deal with a prospect who needs your business or service, but is hesitant (for various reasons)The lesson is to make sure you do what it takes to take control of the situation,

Dont leave it up to other people!

As you can guess, the ladies in the story never showed up, and that was the end.
*sad trombone*
We saw them the next day, and they apologized for flaking, but in their words “shit came up.” 
Who knows what that means, but all I know is the people who wanted to hook up lost their chance because they didn’t take control.

Dont let this happen to you!

Like when you goto a meet and greet event, and we give out business cards.

You may feel good that you “networked” but the next day, nobody contacts you!

Or maybe, you get some new leads but they never follow thru on actually buying…
…even if they seemed like they couldn’t get your product or service fast enough!
This is a LOSE-LOSE situation.
You lose a sale or client and they lose a chance to get a real problem solved!
So, instead of giving out business cards,  set up firm dates on when to call and follow up.

Instead of assuming people will just “buy” after seeing your stuff, you walk them thru the buying process in real time.So, learn from some horny dudes on a boat…take control!

Lets get some WIN-WIN scenarios going on!