Success is within reach for everyone, but you gotta go for it!

You know whats kidna funny?

Not funny in a “ha ha” way, but funny in a “why do people do that” way?

Here’s a tiny story:

As you are going about your day at work, you notice that for some reason, a shiny new truck is here! 

This is a rare occurrence...when was the last time this type of food truck came way over here?

You figure "why not" especially since your co-workers are also headin' over to the truck to see what dishes they make. 

You see they make some exotic food you have never seen, but looks great!

 Some people decide not to buy...but you aren't sure why.

When it's your turn you pick an item and start to get your money ready.

You know how much money you have to pay, because the prices are clearly labeled.

As you collect your money, you realize that you dont have enough money on you.

Should you just say "nevermind" and step out of line hungry and empty handed?

You are a bit embarrassed, a bit frustrated, but you are still determined...this food looks so good, and you are so hungry!

You are so close!

You dig in your pockets, your backpack, your purse, or whatever you have that holds your money.

You get a bit you ask a friend (or complete stranger) for the extra money to get you over the top.

Somehow, you get the amount needed, pay the guy in the truck, and get the treat you were waiting for.

You notice the few co-workers who didn't buy look on with envy as you enjoy your food.

It was even better than you expected, and totally worth the hassle.

The End

Boring story, huh?

But, lets not confuse the simplicity of this story for it not being important.

First off,  you see a way to get some sort of temporary pleasure or relief in the form of a treat.

Perhaps this is something thats there today, that wasn’t there before…or perhaps you didn’t really pay attention to it before today.

You make the decision to go get something…you feel that you deserve this (and you do),

You know that you will have to pay a price to get what you want…but you wont know what the prices are until you are at the truck and ready to buy.

You don’t know if you even have enough money (you may think you do) but you go forward anyway.

It turns out that your current self really didn’t have enough to get what you wanted.

This is a deterrent, and makes you want to give up, but something says “no, we are close, lets get it!”

You do what you can  to complete this…you try all of your options (searching your pockets and other places you have money)

You even have to borrow a bit from someone else. (an option you didn’t think you had until you applied your self to solving the problem)

Because you don’t give up, you eventually get what you want…it just didn’t happen the way you expected.

Well, as we both know, there’s  a lesson within this is just a metaphor for success.

Its also a lesson on how we SHOULD approach many aspects in life, but only do so for things that don’t matter.

This means, we try to seize rare opportunities, unlike the other co-workers who came to the truck to “check it out” you went to go get what you wanted.

You didn’t know the price you would have to pay, but you knew there would be a price.

Just like starting a new side hustle, there’s a price to pay…be it a financial price for training, or materials, or a price with time and effort.

Since you didn’t have enough money on you, you saw the price was more than you expected…same thing happens when you start a new side hustle.

You dont realize how much time it may take, or how much money you need to invest at the start.

This is where most quit.

This is why most wont ever have success, they quit before they even start.

They don’t even try to figure out a solution, or just adjust, they just go back to being hungry.

The point of this to show you that you have to keep your eyes on the prize, because things will get tough, but those same things will make you even stronger!

Iron sharpens iron!

Understand that you will go thru some struggles as you pursue this stuff, but it will be more than worth it at the end.

The trick is to just go for it!

You already have what it takes inside of you to find solutions that will work for you

but those solutions wont just come to you magically.

They show up when you put in work!

They show up when you are in there, earning your stripes!

This is the process of how you become a pro, of how you learn that you can do this, and you can be successful…it just takes work.

Being a success isn’t easy, but nots not out of your reach…its not out of anyone’s reach.

Its just that most people never bother to look up and go for it.

They sit next to the food truck, wishin’ they had the money to eat, instead of going to get the money.