Stop playing the victim

I think we have all been there at some point in our lives.

Something negative happens to us, or to someone we know.

That event can sometimes be a minor one…

…but it doesn’t matter, we stop or momentum.

The question is why?

Well, its often because we start to assume the victim role.

This is one of the worst things you can do as a person, let alone as an entrepreneur.

That is when we let our circumstance start to dictate to us how our lives should go.

When this happens, we just gave our power away, and gave up control in our lives.

The thing about being the victim is that its so easy to fall into the trap of being the victim.

You know why?

Because its easy and it kinda feels good. (admit it)

You get sympathy.

You get to avoid taking responsibility for your failures (and most people cant stand to fail)

In some cases, you get more attention than normal because of the event in question.

These circumstance are all very addictive!

Hell, you have seen how addictive this can be, because once a person starts to talk about his problems from a place of weakness, it can spread to people near by!

Think back to a time you were listening to someone complain about how bad they had it.

Maybe it was because of what “work was doing to them” or “how bad their boss is”, or maybe “how long and hard they have to work for little pay.”

Now, here is where you can see the power of victim-hood spreading.

The person they are talking to will often say “you think you have it bad, wait till you hear about this!” (or some variant of that)

Now person #2 wants to start his/her turn to be the victim!

They now try to one up each other on how shitty their lives are!


Congratulations, you are now an official contestant in the Shitty Olympics.

Why would you want to compete with that?

Whats the prize for competing in the Shitty Olympics?

More problems??

More things to bitch about??

Is that a prize you want to win??

Its all just a downward spiral from there.

Not only are you bitching and moaning about problems we all have (or had at some point) but subconsciously you will start to look for more evidence that your life is shitty.

The more we think about something, the more that will appear in our lives.

This is known as the law of attraction, we attract the things we think most about.

When you play the victim, you will attract more things that make you want to play this role!

Also, instead of focusing on solutions to your problems, you start to focus on the problem itself.

Making the problem bigger and bigger…

…like a snowball rolling down the ski slope.

Gathering more momentum and more mass as it goes on.

Soon, its unstoppable, and will destroying everything in its path…namely your life and aspirations.

At the end of the day, victims get nothing done!

They dont allow their dreams to come true.

They just stay victims…

So, what should you do? instead?

Focus on finding the solution, or focus on on your outcome.

This will keep the victim talk to a minimum, and the law off attractions states that the more we focus on that solution (or finding a solution) the quicker that solution will happen or be presented to you.

The concept is not hard, but sometimes executing it is…because playing the victim is often times easier than sacking up and pushing thru the adversity.

Now that you know better, dont get caught up in competing in the Shitty Olympics, and when problems come your way, focus on solutions and your goals, and you will avoid playing the victim.