I don’t know if I told this story, but way back in the early part of the 1900s, there was this Italian family.
It was your typical family, a mom, dad, and five little kids.
Their dream was going to America, but being a poor family (the father was a tailor) it was going to be tough to get there.
So, they saved all their money, and after months (or years?) of saving, they finally booked passage on a cruise ship!
However, they could only afford the lowest berths in the very bowels of the cruise ship.
Since they had no money after purchasing their tickets, they only brought peanut butter brought crackers.
Every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, mom would make peanut butter and crackers, and for dessert, she’d give you a little piece of jelly on a cracker.
Well, one day, the oldest kid escaped from the bottom of the ship!
I don’t blame him…they were on the ship for 3 days at this point, he decided he had enough.
As he was walking around the ship, he found the buffets and he couldn’t believe what he saw!
I mean, he saw a mountain of shrimp!
He saw guys carving roast beef!
He saw an assortment of vegetables and desserts!
As he was drooling over the food, a maître d’ says,
“Young man, would you like your own table?”
The lil boy replies says, “Are you talking to me?”
“Yes, I was.” the maître d answers.
The boy saw one of those fountains of hot fudge, and he could get ice cream, and it was unbelievable!
After checking things out, he went back to the maître d’. and asked
“Are you charging me?”
The maître d laughed and said “Oh, no.
If you’re part of the cruise, no matter where you’re staying, no matter where your berth is, you have access to all of our restaurants.”
Excitedly, the boy ran down to tell his parents!
At last, the days of peanut butter and crackers are over!
So, excitedly yells to his parents, “We could eat anywhere, we already paid for it!”
His parents in complete disbelief said, “No, no, no, no, you stay here with us”
Because they had that belief system that most people have.
They had access to everything but, they didn’t believe they can take advantage of it.
They thought, “Oh my god, if we go up there, we’ll be thrown off the ship!”
But there was no evidence to prove that would actually happen.
their belief is so strong that they made a lie into a “truth” (in their minds)
Personally, I’ve been a victim of this same mindset, and I paid dearly for it.
Just like that family, I was literally a prisoner of my beliefs.
The good news is that this mindset can be changed with the simple right techniques
But what I found to be the most important thing is to be willing to be uncomfortable…
To be willing take a leap of faith and bet on myself, and trust the process
As you can see, that’s what I had to do in March of 2020 when I got back into land in a major way.
Once I did this, my bank account was never the same.