Stinkin’ thinkin’

Ive mentioned what I call Stinkin’ thinkin’ before in a post about the fear of failure.

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ is that negative thoughts and beliefs that poisons your mind, spirit and prevents you from achieving any success.

It can range from small thoughts of

“I dont know if I can do this”

to an offensive statement that shall not be used on this blog!

When you start to feel a bit of the pressure of adversity, Your mind starts racing, you get fearful or overwhelmed and next thing you know the negative self talk starts…

I am nothing compared to those people…

I’m a loser…

Man, I just dont have what it takes.

This is too hard for me.

I’m not smart/strong/fast/good enough.

Why aren’t I getting the same results as that person?

And on and on…

Where does negative self talk come from? Here are the possible reasons:

Irrational beliefs about yourself or the world.

A bad mood that forces you to think negatively.

The habit of being overly critical. (You may have learned this thought pattern during your childhood.)

Pessimism in general which can force you to expect the worst.

Poor past experiences and the belief that the past repeats itself.

Fear, anxiety, worries, depression and the different kinds of psychological problems that promote negative thinking.

None of these things will serve you…Its all in your head!

I will show you how to avoid and fix your stinkin thinkin’ because if you don’t know, its one of the most dangerous mindsets you can have.

1 thought on “Stinkin’ thinkin’”

  1. Pingback: The Broke Mindset – The Side Hustle Sherpa

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