Start thinking about the next year and what you really want it to look like.
Listen, the end of the year is almost here.
Yeah, its over a month away, but that’s not a lot of time for what I’m about to advise you to consider.
Ya see kemosabe, I’m already thinking about how my whole new year will look.
From the ventures I get into, to the types of land I want to invest in to how much money I want to make.
First, I start with the result I want.
In my case, I’m starting a basketball training facility and I only want to work a certain amount of hours per day.
The training facility will take up a lot of my time and money as I get it off the ground, so I wont be able to spend a lot of time doing other things.
However, I still need to make money for, you know…staying alive, lol.
I also want to continue to build on habits I started this quarter, like managing my money in a more effective way, making sure my taxes are better handled, etc.
As you can see, to get what I want, I will have to make more money.
Reverse engineering what I want and how I get it is how I start to plan my new plan.
Seeing how much money I need to make, then breaking down how I can effectively do that will start to give the blue print to my plan
For me, It’s a certain level of investment so I can get he returns that support my goals.
Also, since I’ll have less time, that means systems I have in place needs to be refined so I can be more hands off.
You see where I’m going with this?
I started planning my 2024 back in late October because there are a lot of things to work out to make these goals happen.
While my plan for for the new year isnt complete yet, I have already started to execute what I do have so I can hit the ground running.
So, during the next few days, while everyone is looking to spend all of their money on black Friday stuff, I will encourage you to plan out your 2024…
See how the money you save by not buying another TV can be better used to support your future success.
Or, you can be like everyone else and make anew years resolution that will undoubtedly be forgotten in a few weeks…
We all know what happens after that lack of change…
Now, what happens when you make a plan and something throws you off track?
-Coach Vic