So, it finally happened!

So it finally happened …

…My Facebook ad account got shutdown (or flagged?).

Now, if you aren’t using Facebook ads for your business, you need to!
Anyway, I have other accounts created just for this moment, but as I was figuring out what went “wrong” I realized something.

I’ll get back to that in a minute, but first

I never understood why other people ads were shut down.

I never had issues, and I tried a bunch of stuff!

Different audiences, copy, videos, images, campaign objectives…

…you name it, I tried it!

but the one thing all my previous attempts had in common was that they were all weak!

Weenie, wimpy ads that nobody cared about!

This is why I got no (good) leads!

Dont get me wrong, I read all the books and tried to listen to advice given, but looking back, my ads had as much strength as over done spaghetti.

My new ad was much “stronger” because I stopped giving any fucks, and I really went for it.

I also did the same with my email list. No fucks given.

In my emails, I literally just started typing my actual thoughts with no filter…swear words, slang, and everything else.

If people will follow me, I need to be the real me, not some curated version I feel I need to be like to be widely accepted.

BTW, if you aint fucking with the real me,   kick rocks and get off my website.

Bottom line, if you haven’t had an ad account shutdown after a while, you probably aint doing it right.

Also, be yourself…we want to get to know the real you!