I’m sure you have heard that saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”
And I’m sure you get the general idea of what that means, right?
In case you dont get it, the saying is just a way to remind ourselves that great things take time to build.
But, have you ever thought about how long it does take?
We both know it won’t take a day to master anything…
but how do you know when to adjust, pivot, or throw in the towel all together?
Well, I got some news for you.
Your journey to building something great never ends!
It’s like maintaining your fitness level.
You may be out of shape now, but when you put in the time and work, you will eventually get in shape.
Then once you are in shape, you must maintain your “in-shape” level.
The work that got you in shape may not be whats needed to get you to a higher level, but you must keep going.
It will become a lifestyle for you….
So in essence, you will always be “on the journey”…
The good news is that the discipline you developed will help you on this journey too.
With that said, we still haven’t figured out how much time this should take, huh?
Well, that answer depends (yes, everybody’s favorite reply, lol)
Land investing uses many skill sets to make money.
Time management, organization, patience, sales, marketing, and people skills to name a few.
Each will take a different person a different amount of time to master.
No matter what tho, you can move faster with proven methods that work!
Dont fall into the trap of trying to guess what will work because you got some random idea!
So, while mastery is a process that is constant, you can speed up that process with the following:
1) Proven methods
2) Learning from those who’s done it before
3) And most importantly, implementing what you learned!!
That’s why I am opening up a few more spots in my mentorship program.
I will make sure you get all the time you need to master all the skills that you need to make 6 figures flipping vacant land.
And since you are an individual with your own goals and needs…
I always tailor the experience to fit you and your life.
I only ask that you commit to yourself and the process for the time we work together.
If you want to know more, lets take some time and talk about it…
Book your time to chat with me here:
I can only help so many people, so make sure you book your call now.
BTW, theres no obligation to join or anything, but it would be good for you to see what your options are and how I may be able to help you in your goals.
When you are ready to take that next step, hit me up
-Coach Vic