Remember that time when I was an idiot??

So, sometimes when I’m coaching clients, I get some resistance and push back.

I don’t get upset, because its normal.

In fact, compared to how I used to be, most of my clients have been great!

But me? man, sometimes I was an idiot!

In fact, I can remember a time when I was just as resistant as any client I’ve had the pleasure of coaching.

One time in particular, I was putting off doing what my coach told me to do.

And guess what?

I’ve had to pay a steep price for doing that.

When you are in land investing and get past the newbie stage and you are ready to scale up and handle more volume.

But to do that, you have to change a few habits and that’s where coaching comes in.

At that time, my coach instructed to “zig” when others in my industry “zag.”

In other words, go against the pack to separate myself from everyone else.

However, doing things that are uncomfortable or difficult can make a person put things off…and that’s what I did.

I was supposed to do a certain type of research so I could target a different class of buyer.

Instead, like an idiot I did the “shot gun” approach and tried to anybody and everybody!

Not only did that approach fail in my goals (i still got deals, but not the deals I wanted), but I spent a lot of money while I was failing! 

My coach warned me about the “shot gun approach” and why it would not work.

Even though he explained that my mistake would cost me a lot of money, I didn’t listen for 2 reasons.

1) I was afraid to do something new

Since the new stuff was unfamiliar, I didn’t have the confidence to trust myself to do it right.

The funny thing is, he’s always been right, and I’ve proven many times I had the ability.

But we often ignore our own abilities and past successes, so I didn’t think I could execute.

It was like I expected failure

This leaves room for FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) which causes procrastination, and prioritizing the wrong stuff.

(Do anything to avoid facing potential failure, right? lol)

2) I wanted to take massive action, but I didn’t have the patience to do it right!

I was inactive in land investing because I was learning how to do digital marketing, blogging, getting and learning some other skills.

That means I felt I needed to catch up quickly to my old productivity in my land business.

It was like I tried to make a 20 point comeback in 1 play!

That obviously didn’t work, so I lost a ton of money mailing letters to property owners that either was not interested, or had property that I wouldn’t want to buy!

So, when it was time to go back to my coach for our weekly phone call, and he asked me about my progress, I had to let him know that I failed.

Lucky for me, I had a great coach, because with a great coach, you pay for more than just information.

(You can get that from a book or a course!)

You are paying for an experience!

To get actual guidance in your specific situation

To have someone in your corner that cares…will hold you accountable and will push you to succeed!

And when you mess up, a good coach won’t just get mad and wash their hands of you.

They will support you, and use it as a “teachable moment.”

So, when I told him about my failure, he also admitted that he had so much information to share that he overwhelmed me with info.

So, we figured out a plan of action…one that I was tailored to exactly how I work and for my current skill level.

And not only did our plan work, but it worked like gang busters!!

So, the lesson here is simple:

1) when a successful person tells you to do something so you can also be successful, DO IT.
2) Don’t think you can figure this stuff out alone, save time and energy, and use proven methods.

That means if you have been trying to go at this alone, you have a chance to fix YOUR mistake.

You have me as a resource, so hit me up with your questions…