PSA: I dont want to work with dabblers for one simple fact.
They dont get results.
I invest a lot of time sharing my knowledge and using my coaching skills to make sure people apply that knowledge and make money
Like any investor, I want a return on that investment…which is a win for you.
Now don’t get it twisted, when I talk about dabblers, I’m not talking about folks who are still checking out land investing to see what it’s all about.
that’s not dabbling, but doing research…
As long as that research is actively answering real questions in a timely manner that will lead to a definitive “yes or no” about land investing, then its valid research IMO.
Once that research goes beyond a few weeks, it enters into dabble territory.
People who claim they are committed and are ready to go, but are giving minimal effort and lip service to the craft are also dabblers.
People who been researching for years, but haven’t attempted to send out a single offer to anyone is a dabbler.
Dabblers don’t win, so I dont like being associated with them.
These same people who in my experience, are never satisfied.
They either shoot for an insignificant goal, achieve it and are unsatisfied with such a wimpy “reward”
Or have an insignificant goal and don’t achieve it and feel like a failure.
Either way, it’s a lose-lose.
In my experience, people who dabble only do so because they don’t believe in themselves or dont believe they can do it
This is why I really stress the importance of the mental aspect of this game.
If deep down and person does not think their life can change…then it won’t.
Without the core belief that a person can learn new skills, they can make money faster than they were though in school, and that they can overcome any obstacle, then you will start to dabble.
The idea that land investing can bring more freedom to your life is enticing, but a core belief prevents a person from actually taking steps to make things happen.
When you do believe you can do this, you start the long road toward mastery.
Mastery is important because Money follows mastery.
You dont even need to be the best…just do a more than the average person and do it consistently.
The good news is that the avg person doesn’t do much, so doing more than them won’t be hard
Just do a bit every day.
Find new areas to invest in.
Build a list of prospects…hell, getting 20 new names a day is fine.
Do what it takes to send everyone on your list an offer.
Have conversations with these people and understand how your role in land investing is helping them.
These things will lead to mastery
Listen, dabblers believe that they don’t have enough info even tho they been watching YouTube vids and listening to podcasts for months.
Dabblers feel that they need permission to take action on what they do know, even if that action is as something as small as finding an area to invest in.
Dabblers feel “tomorrow” is a better day to get started, even thou tomorrow is never promised.
But in reality, the only way to leave “dabble-hood” behind and start the land investing journey is to have the courage to say “okay, I have enough to start”
Are you ready to get started on your road to mastery?