News Flash! You cant do this alone!

Can I get real for a second?

I see this a lot when it comes to side hustles and entrepreneurship.

People think they can just do everything on their own

And that the answers people seek is just a google search away.

And why wouldn’t the answers be out there since there’s so much information on the web, right?

And its “free” too!

But, have you ever thought about the information that’s not freely available?

Like, the information on what to do when real life isn’t like the theory you learned?

Or the information on how and when you need to make adjustments because your technique is flawed?

Or how about the information on when you try something and it fails…and you have no idea why??

Or what to do when you feel like giving up?

In other words, you cant google search the real life information, relationships and experiences you need to learn from others!

In theory, we are all the same.

But in real life, everyone’s situation is different.

Everyone skills are different

Everyone’s starting point is different.

So, why would generic information be good enough to guide you thru the rough waters of entrepreneurship?

The thing is, people KNOW where they can get the help they need…but it’s not free.

So, they lie to themselves and say that they can hack it alone for “free”

These people think that somehow you can figure it out on their own

(which is untrue, nobody succeeds alone)

Also, nobody succeeds without improving themselves, and that’s hard to do alone

(Especially when you have no time, training or energy to do do the difficult work of self improvement)

And while its true you can learn some skills on your own…

How much time will you lose doing this?

How much money will you lose in the process?

How many painful lessons will you learn in this process?

What will you lose to gain these “free” skills?

The question people should ask themselves is not if they can do this for free…

Its if doing it for “free” truly free?

Seems to me that line of thinking is much more expensive.