So, yeah…my bank account is empty.
I didnt realize it until I had an overdraft charge on my business phone line.
How could I let something like this happen?
Well, I bought hella land…in 3 different states!
At first, a sense of dread took over my body.
My thoughts raced as I questioned myself…
“Did i make a mistake? Did I take on too much?…Is my land selling techniques working??”
Then I realized something important.
First off if I had money just sitting in my account, I would be losing the game.
Inflation would make my money have less buying power AND I would be anxious about not having any land investments.
Thats when I remembered a anecdote from Grant Cardone…
I don’t remember the exact quote, but it went something to the effect of
“Never invite a real estate investor out to dinner, they wont pay for the bill since all their money is tied up”
After a quick chuckle, I calmed down and moved some money from savings to pay the bills.
(I also made sure to cancel subscriptions to services that I no longer used or felt brought value to my business)
Its funny how when I play the land investing game, I quickly forget the rules of he who invests the most wins.
Sometimes living the land investor lifestyle can be tough, but its those tough moments that always pay off.
However, I need to make sure my savings cushion can withstand any investments and if I don’t have the cash, partner up with people who do.
One last thing before I go…
The land game is changing (again).
Old techniques, tactics, and strategies are becoming less effective.
Ill talk more about what Im doing in my next masterclass…
-Coach Vic