Have you ever been around a person and their negativity turned you off so much that it made you feel depressed or negative?
It doesn’t matter if the negativity is directed at you or not!
Sometimes the issues is their inability to think problems…
so they make rash decisions or find “a permanent solution to temporary problems”
The reason why I bring this up is because when you are looking to escape from your job, it will seem like the world is trying to keep you to stay
It can seem this way like so:
1) people tell you how risky it is to leave (yet dont talk about the risks of staying)
2) people will try to get you to get off track with bs about work life balance (instead of encouraging you to stay focused on your goals)
3) people will divert your attention to getting a new job (not realizing the issues you are escaping from aren’t just in 1 work place)
4) will tell you land investing won’t work for you (even tho they have no real knowledge to form an opinion)
The thing to realize is that the people I’m referring to can be family, friends, and coworkers.
but the one thing they have in common is that they all share a broke person’s mindset.
Now, don’t get it twisted…
I’m not necessarily talking about someone who doesn’t have money
…or someone who is economically poor.
The lack of money might sometimes be a symptom, but that’s not what I mean.
It’s a person whose negativity, self-loathing, and generally unhappiness causes them to make decisions that creates more negativity and unhappiness, as well as spread the negativity to those around them.
There’s a lot to unpack there, but that’s for a different day.
But, I would bet as soon as I listed the 4 points above, someone came to mind!
This is important to recognize, because you need to avoid these fools at all costs.
These people will drag you down with them to the pits of despair and empty pockets!
They are the ones who bring drama into your life…drama that’s easily avoided for most people.
Honestly, it’s like a zombie curse!
They were bitten by some other broke zombie person and now they are looking to spread the curse and bite others to make more broke people.
Because misery loves company.
When they see you out there, trying to do things differently, freeing yourself…
it will be a reality check that they dont want to face.
They don’t want your positive mindset to flourish because it makes their broke mindset that much more noticeable…
it makes the broke person feel angry and want to lash out!
That’s because part of the broke mindset is buying into the employee training, we all got during our formative years
AKA our education system.
Don’t get me wrong, we learn a lot of great stuff in school…
but the manner on HOW we learn creates the employee mindset that keeps you trapped in your job
(meaning, you don’t have the choice to quit, you are stuck for the paycheck or the benefits)
For example, we learn early on that it’s not okay to make mistakes, even though it’s been proven it’s the best way we learn
We also learn not to experiment, only do things the way we are taught…that means no outside of the box thinking
We also don’t learn how to think critically in school, meaning we are trained to just follow instructions with no questions asked.
Does this not sound like a model employee?
There’s more to this, but this is getting long already, but you can see WHY its hard to free ourselves with this sort of indoctrination.
But the bottom line is that this is the employee mentality that you are breaking away from
So, when you are starting to feel uneasy about your plan to break away
(you do have a plan, right??? If not, click this link:
to talk to me ASAP to develop one)
1) Remind yourself that there are others who have successfully done what you are looking to do with land investing
2) Remember that we all get nervous when we are about to do something new…something that we were not trained to do
Tomorrow, Ill give some specific instruction which is an antidote that absolutely repels the type of people who will hold you back
-Coach Vic