I was having a conversation the other day, and I had to remember how much I invested in myself for this business.
I tried to think of every book, course, seminar, networking event and personal coaching I invested to get me to this current level.
Once I started to recount the figure (it was a lot, close to 80k), I had to be honest with myself on how much ROI did it bring.
As I sat and pondered that, I started to remember when I first got started in land investing.
I do remember the excitement of something so different and cool, so naturally I was pretty motivated!
Entrepreneurship was new to me, and having all of these videos to watch was a fun adventure!
but like most newbies, I didn’t know HOW to take on this new information.
looking back, I can say honestly that I didn’t really take things seriously.
Meaning, I never re-watched a video to learn
I never thought about how I could make this business my own by mastering the material
I def didn’t think about how I could seriously apply it constantly and become an actual business owner
It wasn’t until months later, at an in-person event that I saw that I wasn’t getting the success I wanted
I saw others who were killing it, living the life I wanted!
and I assumed it was that they were in the business longer or had more time to devote to their business
Both of these assumptions were wrong of course…
I felt like a loser, because I allowed myself to believe that I was working hard because I stayed up late a few nights to “learn” but I was just doing what I was comfortable with!
I was not growing or improving, I wasn’t really getting ahead!
So, going back to the question on how much ROI has my invests brought me…well back then my best year was only 60k.
That may seem like a lot to some, but it wasn’t for me, and that wasn’t an instant or easy 60k.
So, I had to face facts that its either that I did not seeing what the TRUE ROI is
(The true ROI is where you expected the invest to pay off in a certain way, usually in money, sometimes it’s just feedback from the marketplace)
What is more likely, since I haven’t mastered the material, my results are a direct reflection of how much work I put in.
It’s like the casual person who claims they want to get in shape, but only goes to the gym “when they can”
They don’t take their diet seriously, and when they are in the gym, they don’t exercise with any intensity or focus.
So of course, that person sees little to no ROI on his fitness routine and diet!
That was me!
So, I decided that it was time to stop playing “not to lose” (aka, doing things I was comfortable with and avoiding things I was afraid of)
And start going out and “playing to win!” (doing whatever it takes to succeed, to hell with my comfort!)
I decided to focus on 1 thing and Master that 1 thing!
For me it was Offer letters.
I focused on how to integrate it into my daily life so I was always getting better at it and using that skill to make money!
Then I turned my attention to ways to market a property.
Then negotiations on the phone.
and so on.
These skills helped me to make over 100k last year (with only 8.5 months of work), and this year, I plan to triple that amount.
So the question is, what skill are you looking to master?