Yall know what day it is…its Friday and this is when I celebrate you!
Today, I want to share a story that many of you will be able to relate to.
How many of you have a significant other that don’t really understand your entrepreneurial or investing dreams and desires?
I’m talking about how they may “support you” but still look at you side ways since you haven’t made it big yet?
Well, that was the story with Mark Harper.
About 6 weeks ago, he decided that he wanted to be in control of his own financial destiny and start land investing with me and my investment group.
He was dedicated to learning the skills, but he still had his doubts about this.
He wasn’t sure “how real” it was, or if he would be able to make it happen for himself.
Once he was able to find a property to invest in, he still had to learn how do the title transfer.
He had some issues with creating a new deed and that made him a bit uneasy, but with the support of the group he soldered on and got his first property.
He then followed the training to market and sell properties, and in 2 days, he had a buyer ready to go!
It took a lil longer to make everything go thru since the buyer wanted use their lawyer, but 2 weeks later.
a check for $4,706.37
But, you want to know the best part?
Since the check was mailed to his house, he had his GF open the envelope.
she had no clue what was in it.
She was hesitant to open his mail, but once he urged her to, she saw that check.
What do you think went thru her mind when she saw that money?
Do you think she will still look at his time learning these skills as a waste?
How much more respect and admiration does she have for him now that he actually made some money in this business?
More important, how do you think HE feels now that he went full cycle and flipped some land?
Either way, lets give Mark his flowers and congratulate him on his first sale.
If you have something you want to celebrate, list it in the comments.
Also, if you are looking to have the same experience Mark has, let me know, and I can get you set up.