Leverage all of your hidden resources!

Help can come in the most unlikely places.

While at work years ago,  I went to talk to a co-worker about some work stuff, and some random small talk.
If you don’t know, I used to be a software engineer in the games industry, and the co-worker I was talking to is a designer.
Traditionally, we are on opposite sides of the spectrum.
The artists and designers use the creative side of their brains get works done, while engineers use the logical side of their brains to get work done.
Of Course, we all can utilize both sides of our brains, and we often do daily…but we tend to like one side more than the other….but i digress
Anyway, after the work talk, he said something interesting that made me think my side hustles, and my future plans of freedom.
However, I found out that while this coworker is not a marketer, he was able to easily explain to me how to craft a user experience for any person Im trying to sell to.
He explained that crafting a user experience can really reach your audience easier.
Also, the people who need your message the most will be in a mindset to take it in.
This is how the most effective ads are created, yet he was thinking about game development terms.
He explained that once I can picture that ideal client or audience member, I can more easily explain why my product or service will greatly benefit him or her.
Because, that person is probably similar to you!
Its like you are finding other people who are just like you, so the things you think are great, they will think they are great too.
And dont you want to make sure people like you get the things they want and need?
Once you have that person in mind, you know the things they want to hear…
…but instead of just saying it, show them!
The message you want to get across will get delivered on a level that you and your followers will deeply understand.
For example, if you are advertising  a car you are selling, instead of telling them the cool things like:
“it has a turbo charged engine, fully independent rear suspension, and shiny red paint”
Show (or describe) your self  driving the car! 
Let them hear (or describe the sounds) the engine roaring and the turbo spooling.
Show a smile on your face as the car accelerates.
Show the car taking turns at a high speed without showing signs of body roll,
Dont forget to paint the picture that all this happens on a sunny day.
The benefits will be broadcasted loud and clear to your audience….which is what they want to know about.
In our example, the car doesn’t need to have the technical features to give them the experience they are looking for.
The turbo engine doesn’t matter to them.
As long as the car is fast and it can give them that same feeling is what matters.
And without my co-worker, I wouldn’t be able to understand the “show, dont tell” philosophy the way I do now. 
This only happened because I leveraged resources I had. 
Remember, not all wisdom will come from the wise man on the mountain…sometimes it comes from the people you see and interact with everyday.
We all have hidden gem resources we aren’t using, Im telling you to go out and start to find them.
They aren’t as hard to find as you may think.