Let Me Put You On Game


Allow me to pass on to you some words of wisdom that was given to me.

This will be useful for those of you who want to keep going but something is stopping you.

I’m not talking about stopping you dead in your tracks, but have you taking a more “comfortable” route…which often times is the route that is wrong or at the very least, slower and more expensive.

1) I look back on my journey in land and I realize that I’m away more afraid of regret than I am of failure.

Keeping this in mind stops me from playing small or just doing things the way I’m used to doing them.

Often times, that comfort zone mindset causes me to go broke.

To drive this point further, Fear keeps me alive and can be empowering if directed properly…when not directed properly, it will cause me to freeze up and be killed by the very thing I was afraid of.

2) My current problems are my tuition to the school of hard knocks.

Ben franklin says “things that hurt, instruct us.”

That means, I learn what not to do, how to think logically and not emotionally, as well as how I can repeat any success I experience.

On the flip side, many of us don’t get anything in return out of our problems because we are stuck on the problems and not looking for solutions.

and sometimes when we do find solutions, we don’t like the solutions since they are not within our comfort zone…and you know how that ends up

3) Nothing is wasted except for those things that you waste.

This means, all of your time, money and experience can be used top help you move forward if you let it.

So, take these 3 points to help you understand how you can move forward…or not. Its your life, and if you wanna stay stuck, then that’s your choice.