Land aint a get rich quick scheme

Can I be honest with you for a second?

Ive been land investing for many years.

In those many years, I have been in many ups and downs, with many changes and updates to how to conduct business.

And one thing Ive seen in that time is a lot of people looking to get into land investing with the hopes of getting rich quick.

Now, I get it, who wouldn’t want a nice quick influx of cash?

But if that’s what you want, then the only thing you can do to get that is to become a drug dealer.

Every other thing you see that seems fast requires a lot of work or skill which gets developed over many months or years…

In other words, theres nothing quick about getting rich and Land investing is no different.

Land investing is not for everyone. In fact, now that I think about it, the reason why not many people do it is because not many people can put up with being a land investor.

The skills are easy to learn for those who are serious, but there are so many people who should not try to invest in land and prob should get money by getting a 2nd job.

For example:

People who don’t have any money to invest in land probably should look elsewhere for extra income, and leave the idea of land investing alone

Not only do you need money to invest in a property, but you also need a decent amount of money to buy mailers, new phone numbers, and texting services…without guarantee that it will produce any results

Also, to be good at this, you have to talk to people, a lot of people per day, just for the chance to buy property….

so if you don’t like talking to people everyday, then this business is not for you.

You have to be OK with getting rejected over and over again….for days or weeks at a time.

You must also be OK with the occasional person who curses you out, just because you asked about their land.

If you don’t like having to spend a lot of time on janky county websites looking up old deeds or spending hours finding delinquent tax information, land investing is not for you.

If you don’t like having to take any risks with your hard earned money, then this really aint the thing for you.

If you don’t like having to deal with random people calling you at different hours of the day asking dumb ass questions about your property, don’t invest in land.

If you can’t deal with owning a property that you couldn’t sell to save your life, land is not for you

With that said, all of these issues can be mitigated or avoided all together with the right game plan.

I’ll go more into that tomorrow, but for now, think carefully on how you want to proceed with land investing.

This aint for the wimps or people who want to play it safe.