Is it too late because of COVID19??

On Facebook, I had to be frank with some friends and family.

I said

“Unfortunately, if you are looking for a side hustle NOW because of COVID19, then it could be too late.”

Now, here’s why I even posted that.

I’m seeing the squeeze COVID19 is putting on people…

People can’t work and get paid.

That means people are looking for other means of income until the quarantine is over.

(which could be months)

Now, trying to make money on the side is a great thing to do

Hell, without that, I wouldn’t be where I am today

But the thing is, unless you have a high-income skill, it will be hard for you to make GOOD money quickly and easily.

(and I know people are looking to pay bills, not just have extra spending cash)

Now, here’s the thing, people are hoping to get some side money quickly and easily because their income source has been cut off are looking for help.

they are looking for an emergency kit…but it’s too late for the emergency kit!

the emergency has already happened!

It’s no use in closing the barn doors after the horse has already escaped!

That doesn’t mean others won’t give the advice of becoming an affiliate marketer or something…as if it’s that easy.

Not because it can’t be done, but because you are starting from the ground floor when starting something new.

There are many things to learn, and many bad habits to unlearn

(like how to get rid of the employee mindset.)

that alone will take time…meaning you won’t get much income during this learning period.

Now, why am I bringing his up?

Well, quitting your job with confidence doesn’t just happen with a bit of info and a side hustle bringing in a few hundred bucks a month.

It has to be a plan tailored made for you that needs to be in place BEFORE you are ready to quit or a lay off happens.

The plan won’t work after the shit hits the fan.

The plan is to avoid any shit hitting the fan in the first place.

And to be clear, leaving the job isn’t the issue,

its not having income, insurance, and a retirement plan.

it’s not any different than what people are going thru with the corona virus currently.

So, don’t wait until you need help to get this going.

start to work on your “5 rights” RIGHT NOW so you are prepared to leave on your terms.

When you do this properly, you will not only be able t quit with confidence

but that eject point will also serve as a way to gain MORE!

This is why you should think about what you need to do to get ready.