So, what does insanity mean to you?
For me, I used to consider people who did extreme sports.
like shark diving…without a cage, or climbing sky scrapers without any safety equipment.
These people were “insane” to me.
Regardless, insanity does have a famous definition that’s attributed to Albert Einstein:
“Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”
By this definition, insanity would be adding 2 + 2 again and again, hoping it would eventually equal 5.
Or more realistically for me…
doing exactly what I’ve been doing for the past year, (or 2 years, or 5 years) and expecting my life circumstances to change.
I would often tell myself that I would have more time to spend with my family once I got to some arbitrary income goal.
I also would tell myself that I would finish the different projects I started,
like working on my cars,
learning how to BBQ like a real pit master,
or getting bass guitar lessons once I had “more time”
But no matter what I would tell myself, I would never change anything in my day-to-day life that would actually get me to my income goals.
What I was doing was technically “insane” since I was doing the same things over and over in my daily life and expecting a different income result.
Recently, I had a harsh, but much needed wake up call, about my actions and my commitments to my family…
Ya see, the problem with my insanity wouldn’t be a “stagnant” life…
The real problem I was that if I did not actually DO something about my issues, things were going to get worse!
In this case it would be from losing my family.
So, I have to make different decisions about how I invest my time and money.
That means branching out into different areas to buy land and getting higher offers out there to purchase larger lots.
Scared money don’t make money, and I may not have been scared in the traditional sense, but I was comfortable doing the same ole’ shit every day.
Doing something “bigger” or putting my faith in something new was scary.
but I’m commited to my results and I won’t let my fears be greater than my desires or the needs of my family!
I can’t speak for you, but I was often doing things thinking I was being “cautious” or “careful”
but that was how I justified my fear
I now see that any mistakes I make isnt the thing to be afraid of, but something to learn from
What I should be afraid of is the the regrets I would have If I didn’t take action to make changes or do something different
Just like me, I know you have something you been thinking about, but have been afraid to do because its new, different, or seemingly difficult…
I would imagine that “something” is investing in your first parcel of land.
Maybe you want to invest with me and the rest of the land investing group I put together, but something is holding you back.
but the choice is ultimately YOURS on how this plays out.
Do something different, or continue to be insane.