Picture this, you have a land parcel for sale, and while you are getting some interest, nobody is actually ready to buy.
You start to feel hopeless, but then a person says they saw the property and needs you to call them!
Excitedly, you pick up the phone, and as the phone rings, you anticipate the 10s of thousands of dollars you will make as you bang out this deal.
However, once the prospect is on the phone, they don’t sound too excited….you find out they don’t like the property.
Maybe its on to much of a slope or there are too many trees, or the roads are terrible, they dont like the neighbors or Mercury is in retrograde….
Either way, they don’t want to buy the property for the price you have listed because of the issues they have with the parcel.
Here’s the thing, a common mistake a lot of newbies make (especially me as a newbie) is thinking that a prospect is “correct” about the land parcel.
In other words, the issues they have with the parcel is not just a problem for them, it will be a problem for everyone.
The common newbie thing to do in that situation is dramatically lower the price or just lose hope that anyone would ever want the parcel.
While its okay to haggle with buyers, dont just assume the lot is garbage just because one guy said so!
For all you know, they are using a negotiation trick on you so they can get a steal of a price.
So…I’m sure you have heard the saying before…
“One mans trash is another mans treasure”
In other words, we as individuals don’t all value the same things.
I speak a lot about this in my live land investing challenges when it comes to why someone will want to sell a land parcel for so cheap.
But, theres another place where this applies in land investing..
The sale.
Ya see, while a prospect may have a legitimate gripe about the parcel…the gripe is usually a personal one.
Meaning for their goals, or budget or use case, the thing they bring up is a show stopper for them
But not everyone has the same goal or use case for the property!
So, I’m letting you know not to let the opinion of one (or a few prospects) throw you off of your game.
Sure, some adjustments to the price may be needed based on the issue that they found, but in general, someone will want to buy the land.
And always remember, All land sells!
If you keep that in mind, the negative opinion of one person wont bring you into a spiral of despair.
With that said, you may be wondering… “how do you get people to actually view the property??”
Or you may be wondering “I want the land investing challenge training, but I need somethng more in-depth and with a lot more accountability.”
If that’s the case, then we need to have a talk!
I’m looking to replace add more people to my land investing group since some members are graduating out of it.
If you want to have the same land investing success as my past students, then
Click the button to schedule a free zoom call with me now