Have you read that book as a kid?
I was recently going thru my son’s books, and I saw that he had a copy.
As I picked it up, memories came flooding back of my childhood and this book.
Ahhh…good times…
Now, if you never heard this book (it’s like 10 pages long) it’s about a “story” of what could happen if you give a mouse a cookie.
Spoiler alert, it looks to get more things form you.
From a cookie, to a glass of milk to a straw and so on.
To cut to the chase, I invite you to think how you could be like the mouse with your business.
No, I don’t mean to beg people for stuff (but that’s not bad way to go since people are always looking to get rid of stuff that you may need)
What I mean is that the mouse takes a small thing (a cookie) and turns into all sorts of other things.
The glass of milk, a straw, a napkin, someone to bring him to a mirror, eventually a bed, some paper and pencils, personal favors, and so on.
The story is ridiculous, but the thought process is whats important…
take something small and make it grow.
In your case, if someone were to give you $100…what could you do with it to make it grow to $200? $500? $1000?
Think carefully with your answer.
Do you have the skills and a plan RIGHT NOW to take a small amount of money and have it grow into something more?
Or are you thinking “It could go towards this bill” or “buy that thing”?
If you want to be able to quit your job, you need to be able to have a skill that can help you do grow what you have access to.
Without it, you will always be hurt for money and hold on to your scarcity mindset…
This will hinder you from getting more money, which will reinforce that scarcity mindset, and the cycle continues.
So, sit down and think about what you would do if you needed to invest that $100 in land and get a return back quickly.
So, if you are realizing you don’t have the skill to do this, let me assure you that you do!
Thats the beauty of the free trainings I have shared with you.
The question is, are you using that training to grow your money?
-Coach Vic